Applications for travel support

Student Travel Award

Please complete THIS FORM to apply for a student travel award. Awards will be made after the conference and used to reimburse expenses. You must register for the meeting to be eligible and have an accepted abstract for a talk or poster. Amount of funding is contingent on fundraising, requirements from sponsors, and presentation from the student at the conference in the form of poster or talk.

Carers Fund

We recognise that significant caring responsibilities may impact the ability of delegates to attend the ABA/ASB 2018 meeting. We have established the Carer Travel Fund which will provide support towards costs associated with caring duties that arise from travel to the ABA/ASB 2018 meeting in Melbourne. Funding allocated under this Scheme is intended to assist with costs such as:

· Additional local care costs incurred due to the absence of the primary carer (i.e. the applicant) that is attending ABA/ASB2018

· Caring arrangements at the destination ie. In Melbourne between 2-6 December, 2018

· Travel and/or accommodation costs of a partner/carer also undertaking the travel

· Travel and/or accommodation costs of the dependent also undertaking the travel

Other costs such as conference attendance fees are not included. Support may be provided up to $400 per applicant and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

To apply for support form Carers Fund, please send an email to Renae Ryan ( by Nov 16 outlining the proposed carer expenses including the Activity/Item, Time-frame, Dollar amount and how these expenses are in addition to normal caring expenses due to travel to the ABA/ASB2018 meeting. Reimbursement will require evidence of the expenditure such as receipts.

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