Asian Biophysics Association Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Australian Society for Biophysics

Building 80 Rooms 1.02 & 02.07 (RMIT University)

Building 80 Rooms 1.02 & 02.07

RMIT University

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Chris Garvey (ANSTO), Danny Hatters (University of Melbourne), Gary Bryant (Centre for Molecular and Nanoscale Physics, School of Applied Sciences, RMIT University), Renae Ryan (University of Sydney)

This is a joint meeting combining the Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) and Australian Society for Biophysics (ASB). Symposium themes include

  • Biophysics and Medicine;
  • Membrane Biophysics;
  • Structural Biology;
  • Nanobiophysics;
  • Bioinformatics;
  • Neuroscience;
  • Imaging and Super-resolution Microscopy.

There will be a particular focus on Early Career Researchers with dedicated ECR sessions and opportunities to present posters and to be selected for short talks.

We warmly welcome Biophysicists and IUPAB members from around the world to join us in Melbourne, 2018 for stimulating scientific sessions and an opportunity to network and socialise with colleagues.

The Australian Society for Biophysics (ASB) strives to achieve balance across gender, geography and experience in all aspects of their annual meeting. The ASB executive council endeavours to achieve this balance through equal female and male representation on the local organizing committees and session chairs as well as through invitation of high-quality male and female speakers and the selection of speakers from the submitted abstracts from across Australia in line with the gender balance in our research community.

As part of this gender equity policy the ASB will use data collected during registration and abstract submission and data from the conference program to determine the gender balance at our annual meetings. The statistics will be available on the ASB website:





Register to be a reviewer
  • Sunday, 2 December
    • 16:00 18:00
      Registration 2h NAS Media Portal

      NAS Media Portal

      RMIT University

      Swanston Street, Building 14, level 2
    • 18:00 20:00
      Reception and Welcome 2h NAS Media Portal

      NAS Media Portal

      RMIT University

      Swanston St, Building 14, level 2
  • Monday, 3 December
    • 09:00 10:00
      Test 2 Building 80: 80.02.07

      Building 80: 80.02.07

      RMIT University

      Swanston St
      Convener: Dr Chris Garvey
    • 09:00 10:00
      test: Test 1 Building 80: 80.01.02

      Building 80: 80.01.02

      RMIT University

      Swanston St
      Convener: Prof. Gary Bryant
      • 09:00
        test contribution 20m


        Speaker: Danny Hatters (University of Melbourne)
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