25-27 November 2015
National Centre for Synchrotron Science
Australia/Melbourne timezone


The Australian Synchrotron is proud to host the 9th Asia Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research (AOFSRR 2015), in conjunction with User Meeting 2015. The two meetings will be held jointly across three days, on 25-27 November, at the Australian Synchrotron’s award winning National Centre for Synchrotron Science in Melbourne.

AOFSRR 2015 brings together the synchrotron community across our region, and we are pleased to welcome speakers and delegates from each of the Asia-Oceania Forum member countries. Our annual User Meeting will again showcase the best research from home, and update our user community on the latest techniques and application developments.

Important Dates

Abstract submissions open: 1 June 2015
Abstract submissions close (extended): Midnight 20 July 2015 (AEST)
Late poster abstracts close (extended): Midnight 31 October 2015 (AEST)
Registrations open: 1 July 2015
Early bird registrations close: 30 September 2015 (AEST)
Registrations close: 11 November 2015






Important announcement: Information for delegates
Important announcement: Information for presenters now available
Late posters accepted until midnight 31 October (AEST)
Abstract submissions close midnight 20 July (AEST)
Now open for registration (1 July)


National Centre for Synchrotron Science
Australian Synchrotron 800 Blackburn Road Clayton VIC 3168
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