24-25 November 2016
National Centre for Synchrotron Science
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Combating multidrug resistance. Structure of an endotoxin modifying enzyme

25 Nov 2016, 14:45
NCSS Seminar Room

NCSS Seminar Room


Prof. Alice Vrielink (University of Western Australia)


Multiple drug resistance (MDR) in Gram-negative bacteria represents one of the most intractable problems facing modern medicine. Colistin and polymyxin are cationic antimicrobial peptide antibiotics which permeabilise the bacterial outer membrane and have been used to treat infections. Resistance to these antibiotics is conferred by the modification of the lipid A headgroups with phosphoethanolamine (PEA) moieties resulting in a reduced negative charge of the bacterial surface and exclusion of the drug. This modification is carried out by the enzyme, lipid A PEA transferase (LptA). Recently a mobile colistin resistance determinant, mcr-1, encoding an LptA homologue was identified in MDR Escherichia coli. We have determined the crystal structure of a full-length LptA from Neisseria sp. to 2.75Å resolution. The structure reveals a previously uncharacterized helical membrane domain and a periplasmic facing soluble domain. The domains are linked by a single helix that runs along the membrane surface interacting with the phospholipid head groups. Two helical insertions containing conserved charged residues lie between two transmembrane helices and are implicated in substrate binding. Intrinsic fluorescence, limited proteolysis and molecular dynamics studies suggest that the protein may sample different conformational states to enable the binding of two very different sized lipid substrates. These results provide novel insights into the mechanism of endotoxin modification and will aid a structure-guided rational drug design approach to treat multidrug resistant bacterial infections.
Are you a student? No
Keywords or phrases (comma separated) endotoxin modification, enzyme, Neisseria, multidrug resistance
What is your gender? Female
Are you an ECR? (<5 yrs</br>since PhD/Masters) No
Do you wish to take part in</br>the Student Poster Slam? No

Primary author

Prof. Alice Vrielink (University of Western Australia)


Mrs Anandhi Anandan (University of Western Australia) Prof. Charlene Kahler (University of Western Australia) Dr Genevieve Evans (University of Western Australia) Dr Isabel Moraes (Diamond Light Source) Dr Karmen Condic-Jurkic (Australain Antional University) Dr Megan O'Mara (Australian National University)

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