Australian Synchrotron User Meeting 2016
The Australian Synchrotron's annual User Meeting showcases some of the best research and investigations undertaken at the facility, and provides our user community with updates on the latest developments and technical advances in synchrotron science, both at home and at our sister light sources overseas. Organised by the Australian Synchrotron User Advisory Committee, the 2016 meeting will again be held at the award-winning National Centre for Synchrotron Science (NCSS).
Now open for registration
Site map for delegates
Late abstracts for poster presentations only may be accepted until 4 November - please contact user meeting support to enquire further.
Important Dates
Registrations close | Midnight 4 November 2016 (AEST) |
Poster abstracts close | Midnight 4 November 2016 (AEST) |
Abstract submissions close | Midnight 10 October 2016 (AEST) |
Abstract submissions open | 15 September 2016 |
Registrations open | 15 September 2016 |