24-25 November 2016
National Centre for Synchrotron Science
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Observing proteins at play: structural techniques to probe function

25 Nov 2016, 13:30
NCSS Seminar Room

NCSS Seminar Room


Prof. Emily Parker (University of Canterbury)


We have used protein crystallography and small angle X-ray scattering to understand the way that enzymes respond to remote signals – a process known as allostery (from the Greek *allos* meaning “other” and *stereos* meaning “solid”). Allostery is critical to the control of metabolism, and although allostery has been known for many years, it is only more recently that the molecular networks that govern this communication in proteins have begun to be unravelled in detail. We have used a combination of structural, computational and biophysical approaches to examine the allosteric function of several enzymes that operate at important control points in key metabolic pathways. We have used crystallography and small angle X-ray scattering to demonstrate significant changes in structure and dynamics are part of the allosteric response. Our studies have revealed the details of the molecular events that are associated with the allosteric response and shed light on the evolution of allosteric properties by enzymes.
Do you wish to take part in</br>the Student Poster Slam? No
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Keywords or phrases (comma separated) SAXS, Allostery, enzyme regulation,
What is your gender? Female

Primary author

Prof. Emily Parker (University of Canterbury)

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