24-25 November 2016
National Centre for Synchrotron Science
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Dynamic micro-CT of gas uptake in coal

Not scheduled
National Centre for Synchrotron Science

National Centre for Synchrotron Science

Australian Synchrotron 800 Blackburn Road Clayton VIC 3168
Poster Imaging


Dr Sherry Mayo (CSIRO)


The behaviour of gases in coal is critical to processes affecting both coal seam gas extraction and carbon sequestration. These depend on the affinity of different gases for coal and the effect they have on the coal itself when adsorbed, such as causing the coal to swell. Dynamic micro-CT offers the possibility of observing these processes on the microscopic scale as they are happening. Here we use krypton and xenon gas to explore gas uptake in five different types of coal. these gases are readily visible in micro-CT scans making quantitative analysis feasible. Krypton in particular is thought to be a close analogue for methane. A time-series of tomographic scans of samples in containers pressurised with krypton or xenon were made over a period of three days resulting in many hundreds of tomographic datasets. Batch reconstruction and data analyses using the MASSIVE cluster enabled this large amount of data to be analysed in 3D. This analysis has enabled us to quantify the gas uptake over time in different coal types, and to compare the behaviour of two gases with different affinities for coal. Diffusion profiles over time have also been obtained which will be used for comparison with gas diffusion models. ![Tomographic cross section showing xenon gas diffusing into coal with insert displaying diffusion profile][1] [1]: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/doQtFyEfl4J7HelxKSmK88zQON-jVfEH-9ur84ANmr-wcDU2fOhUTNciuUVVSfdArtUVjA54obA5tA=w1280-h1024-rw-no
Keywords or phrases (comma separated) coal, micro-CT, in-situ, gas
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What is your gender? Female

Primary author

Dr Sherry Mayo (CSIRO)


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