24-25 November 2016
National Centre for Synchrotron Science
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Improving Beam Stability with a Fast Orbit Feedback System

Not scheduled
National Centre for Synchrotron Science

National Centre for Synchrotron Science

Australian Synchrotron 800 Blackburn Road Clayton VIC 3168
Poster Technique Development


Mr Greg leblanc (Australian Synchrotron)


The fast orbit feedback system in development at the Australian Synchrotron aims to improve the stability of the electron beam by reducing the impact of moving insertion devices and targeting orbit perturbations at the mains frequency (50 Hz, 100 Hz and 300 Hz). The feedback system is designed to have a unity gain at a frequency greater than 300 Hz using a PI controller with harmonic suppressors in parallel to specifically target perturbations at the mains frequency and its harmonics. In the lead up to the project completion at the end of 2016, a prototype system based on standard PCs running CentOS 7 with the PREEMPT patch was used. The effectiveness of a fast orbit feedback system is demonstrated by the prototype system where the integrated RMS motion up to 300 Hz was reduced by 75% to 90%.
What is your gender? Prefer not to say
Are you an ECR? (<5 yrs</br>since PhD/Masters) No
Do you wish to take part in</br>the Student Poster Slam? No
Are you a student? No
Keywords or phrases (comma separated) Feedback, Beam Stability, Source

Primary author

Mr Greg leblanc (Australian Synchrotron)


Eugene Tan (Australian Synchrotron)

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