24-25 November 2016
National Centre for Synchrotron Science
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Engineering disorder into heterogenite-like cobalt oxides by phosphate doping: Implications for the design of water oxidation catalysts

Not scheduled
National Centre for Synchrotron Science

National Centre for Synchrotron Science

Australian Synchrotron 800 Blackburn Road Clayton VIC 3168
Poster Advanced Materials


Ms Hannah King (James Cook University)


Metal oxides are amongst the best known and most extensively studied water oxidation catalysts. Many metal oxide materials function best in a proton accepting electrolyte such as a borate or phosphate buffer. The inclusion of these electrolyte anions in the bulk material (in small amounts) is recognized to result in amorphous metal oxides with “molecular-like” structure. The importance of these disordered “molecular-like” metal oxides in water oxidation catalysis has been difficult to deconvolute from the effects of the electrolyte used for deposition. In this study we have synthesized as series of heterogenite-like cobalt oxides with different levels of phosphate doping (0 - 9%) and carefully characterized the materials using a range of analytical techniques including, XAS, TEM and XRD. It was found that phosphate doping systematically altered the nano-scale and molecular-level structure of the materials, with the materials changing from nano-crystalline to amorphous as the level of phosphate doping increased. The changes were correlated with reactivity for water oxidation catalysis and as sacrificial oxidants. It was found that the most disordered materials were most reactive in sacrificial reactions, however, less effective for water oxidation catalysis. The result demonstrate how subtle structural ordering effects can significantly impact on reactivity.
Keywords or phrases (comma separated) Cobalt oxide, water oxidation, water splitting, renewable energy
What is your gender? Female
Are you an ECR? (<5 yrs</br>since PhD/Masters) No
Do you wish to take part in</br>the Student Poster Slam? Yes
Are you a student? Yes

Primary authors

Ms Hannah King (James Cook University) Rosalie Hocking (James Cook University)


Bernt Johannessen (Australian Synchrotron) Mr Leone Spiccia (Monash University) Mr Shannon Bonke (Monash University) Dr Shery Chang (Arizona State University)

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