24-25 November 2016
National Centre for Synchrotron Science
Australia/Melbourne timezone

The Structure of PaeDAH7PS: a Potentially Promiscuous Protein

Not scheduled
National Centre for Synchrotron Science

National Centre for Synchrotron Science

Australian Synchrotron 800 Blackburn Road Clayton VIC 3168
Poster Structural Biology


Mr Oliver Sterritt (University of Canterbury)


*Pseudomonas aeruginosa* is an opportunistic human pathogen associated with the chronic infection of the lungs of Cystic Fibrosis patients – New Zealand’s most common lethal genetic disease. *P. aeruginosa* has an innate resistance to antibiotics and concerns exist around the appearance of multi-drug resistant strains [1]. The shikimate pathway is responsible for the biosynthesis of key aromatic metabolites including the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan; folic acid; and, in the case of *P. aeruginosa*, the toxic secondary metabolite pyocyanin [2]. The determination of the crystal structure of a key enzyme in the shikimate pathway from *P. aeruginosa* reveals a distinct regulatory mechanism and provides only the second example of a crystal structure of this type of enzyme. References: [1] Davies, J. (1994) Inactivation of antibiotics and the dissemination of resistance genes, *Science* 264, 375-382. [2] Lau, G. W., Hassett, D. J., Ran, H. M., and Kong, F. S. (2004) The role of pyocyanin in *Pseudomonas aeruginosa* infection, *Trends in Molecular Medicine* 10, 599-606.
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Primary author

Mr Oliver Sterritt (University of Canterbury)


Prof. Emily Parker (University of Canterbury) Prof. Geoffrey Jameson (Massey University)

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