Imaging - Sponsored by MASSIVE
- Daniel Hausermann ()
Bo Chen
(ARC Centre of Excellence for Advanced Molecular Imaging, La Trobe University, Victoria 3086, Australia)
21/11/2014, 11:15
In recent years Coherent Diffractive Imaging (CDI) has rapidly matured into a powerful tool for high-resolution X-ray phase contrast imaging. However, a fundamental limit exists on the size of object that can be imaged when using conventional CDI due to the need to correctly sample the measured diffraction intensities. Ptychography, a technique initially developed for electron microscopy, can...
Anton Maksimenko
(Australian Synchrotron)
21/11/2014, 11:45
The Imaging and Medical Beamline (IMBL) of the Australian Synchrotron (AS) is now becoming one of the most advanced instruments of this type in the world. It is designed to provide a wide variety of imaging techniques. Three beamline’s enclosures at various distances provide the end user a good choice of beam characteristics ranging from the hi-flux for lower resolution and size up to huge...
Stewart Midgley
(School of Physics, Monash University)
21/11/2014, 12:05
Dual energy X-ray analysis (DEXA) uses CT measurements of the X-ray linear attenuation coefficient at two photon energies to characterise materials; electron density and statistical measure of elemental composition, related to the concept of effective atomic number.
Phantoms were prepared as liquid samples of known density and composition including ethanol-water mixtures and salt solutions...
Henry Kirkwood
(ARC COE Advanced Molecular Imaging - La Trobe University)
21/11/2014, 12:25
Recent advances in neutron detection technology are enabling collection of neutron transmission data with unprecedented spatial and time resolution [1,2]. Microchannel plates coupled with TimePix area detectors are now being used to perform time-of-flight neutron radiography experiments at 55 micron2 spatial resolution and 1 &mus temporal resolution. These sensors are suited to a...