Harley Scammell
(The University of New South Wales)
Motivated by magnetic quantum systems in the regime of finite temperatures and close vicinity to a quantum critical point, we develop a generalisation of the Fermi Golden Rule appropriate to handle the calculation of large decay widths. The ‘generalised golden rule’ is a self-consistent procedure, and the central results are generic. However, the present study specifically considers an O(3) non-linear field theory; $\bar\varphi^4$ theory, as a toy application of the generalised golden rule. Following this, we directly apply our results to the real quantum antiferromagnet TlCuCl$_3$, which is very well described by the O(3) field theory with an anisotropic term. We compare our results to the very recent INS data and find excellent agreement.
Primary author
Harley Scammell
(The University of New South Wales)
Oleg Sushkov
(The University of New South Wales)