24-26 November 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

Use of high-resolution technologies to understand the broken past

25 Nov 2021, 13:30


Oral Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage


Dr Ingrid Ward (University of Western Australia)


Our understanding of material culture and past environmental contexts have been utterly transformed over the last two decades by new and greatly improved scientific methods. Innovative investigations revolve around refinement of methods for chronological dating, characterization and provenancing, bioarchaeology, geoarchaeology and the emerging sub-discipline of cyber-archaeology. As ever, when dealing with the past, 'meaning' remains more difficult and we are always be limited by what little we can know. With the help of multi-scalar, high-resolution techniques, there at least exists potential for useful and even groundbreaking information to be retrieved from material culture, the absence of which might inhere a sense of doubt. This talk will illustrate some applications of science and technology that are proving valuable in Australian archaeology, drawing from my own studies at ANSTO and the Australian Synchrotron as well as other novel multi-scientific projects. At the heart of these is an interdisciplinary approach and an aim to provide the most accurate understanding of the dynamic past from what is often a very fragmentary record.

Pronouns She/Her
Condition of submission Yes
Level of Expertise Early Career <5 Years
Which facility did you use for your research Australian Synchrotron
Presenter Gender Woman

Primary author

Dr Ingrid Ward (University of Western Australia)

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