To register for this event you will need an Indico account please click here to create.
Please note submission for the practical workshop are now closed. Registration for the webinar will close Sunday 28th November 2021.
The organising committee are keen to welcome you to the 2nd ANSTO Small-Angle Scattering Workshop.
Jointly hosted by the SAXS/WAXS and BioSAXS groups at the Australian Synchrotron and the SANS group at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering. Due to the impacts of COVID it is being run entirely as a virtual meeting for the second time around.
This has its draw backs, but it also presents a range of new opportunities, including a diverse range of national and international speakers, and the potential to reach a much wider audience.
This workshop is aimed at honours and PhD students, as well as early-career researchers, who have used, or are planning to use, ANSTO small-angle scattering instrumentation for their research. The material will cover theoretical and practical aspects of small-angle scattering, including: scattering theory, data collection, data processing, data analysis and modelling, applying for beam time, and the application of small-angle scattering to specialised areas of research.
Those selected to participate in the practical analysis sessions of the course will be involved in analysis and modelling of small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering data. As the experience and research interests of the participants is diverse, the practical sessions may not appear entirely relevant to everyone, however, the intent is to explore different types of small-angle scattering data, to see what kind of information can be extracted from small-angle scattering data, and to gain familiarity with common modelling packages.