15 Years of Brilliance at the Australian Synchrotron (in session "Update")
A Comparison of Different Approaches to Image Quality Assessment in Phase-Contrast Mammography (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
A high-temperature furnace for MEX (in session "Poster Session")
A multi-analyser upgrading possibility for the thermal-neutron triple-axis spectrometer Taipan (in session "Poster Session")
A photon counting detector for x-ray imaging: advantages and challenges (in session "Poster Session")
A precisely piezo-controlled macro-ATR for characterizing the dynamic behaviour electrolyte/electrode interface (in session "Poster Session")
A study of the intrinsic background from the Beryllium Filter Spectrometer on Taipan (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Accelerating Australia: Perspectives on future particle accelerators and their applications (in session "Plenary")
Acidophilic iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria driven primary mineral weathering and secondary mineral formation in Fe ore tailings (in session "Poster Session")
ACNS SAMPLE ENVIRONMENT UPDATE (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
ADS-1 and ADS-2: New high-energy X-ray beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron (in session "Poster Session")
Analysis of Thermoresponsive Dextrans via Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (in session "Poster Session")
Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Gallium Implanted ‘Trojan Horse’ Surfaces for Implantable Devices (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Application of Inelastic Neutron Scattering for Thermoelectric Materials Study (in session "Advanced Materials")
ATOS-GOM structured light 3D scanner, replacement new for old or intriguing possibilities! (in session "Poster Session")
Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering Update (in session "Update")
Automation of liquid crystal phase analysis for SAXS (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Biochemical Interaction of Few Layer Black Phosphorus with Microbial Cells Using Synchrotron macro- ATR-FTIR (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Biocompatible ionic liquids as designer solvents for the formation of non-lamellar lyotropic liquid crystalline nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles (in session "Poster Session")
BioSAXS: The future of solution scattering at the Australian Synchrotron (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Breaking boundaries, or is it? Physical disruption at the nano- and micro scales for an in situ flow setup (in session "Poster Session")
Canine osteosarcoma positioning and dosimetry study (in session "Poster Session")
Chain alignment and charge transport anisotropy in blade-coated N2200/PS blend films (in session "Poster Session")
Characterisation of an Antimony-based Catalysts for Acid Water Oxidation Catalysis – Insights through X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and the challenges of multi-metal systems (in session "Poster Session")
Characterisation of Ionic Liquids and Their Ability to Stabilise Proteins (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Characterising the temperature dependent spectra of polyethylene for terahertz optics (in session "Poster Session")
Characterization of MOSFET sensors for dosimetry in alpha particle therapy (in session "Physics, Surface & Condensed Matter")
Chemical expansion and proton conductivity in vanadium-substituted variants of γ-Ba4Nb2O9 (in session "Advanced Materials")
Chiral CPs formed using chiral heterotopic ligands (in session "Poster Session")
Chiral Detection with Fluorescent Coordination Polymers (in session "Poster Session")
Cholesterol catabolism: An exploitable weakness in mycobacterial infections? (in session "Poster Session")
Combating “fishy” seafood using nuclear techniques (in session "Poster Session")
Comparison between calculated texture-derived velocities and laboratory measurements conducted on samples from a gold-hosting structure. (in session "Poster Session")
Completing the library of amino-acid neutron structures (in session "Poster Session")
Complex Coacervates as encapsulation system (in session "Poster Session")
Continuous chemical redistribution following amorphous-to-crystalline structural ordering in a Zr-Cu-Al bulk metallic glass (in session "Poster Session")
Crystal Structures of Protic Ionic Liquids and their hydrates (in session "Poster Session")
Cuatros Amigos- the four stromatolites in a row. The first 3D image of the oldest evidence of life in the geologic record (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
Current and future capabilities of the IRM beamline at the Australian Synchrotron, and guidance on applying for use of the facility. (in session "Poster Session")
Current Facilities on the Soft X-ray Beamline (in session "Poster Session")
Data Constrained Modelling with multi-energy X-ray computed microtomography to evaluate the porosity of plasma sprayed ceramic coatings (in session "Poster Session")
Data processing technique for the Taipan Be-filter spectrometer (in session "Poster Session")
Delivery of antimicrobials to bacteria by cubosome nanocarriers (in session "Advanced Materials")
Demonstrated enantioselective adsorption with cobalt 1D coordination polymers (in session "Poster Session")
Determining the role of protein aggregation in COVID-19 (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Deuterated Phospholipids to Study the Structure, Function and Dynamics of Membrane Proteins Using Neutron Scattering (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Deuteration at the NDF: facility overview and update on diversity of capabilities, user program and impact. (in session "Update")
Deuteration of Rec1-Resilin and its hydrogel for biomedical applications (in session "Advanced Materials")
Diffuse Scattering Studies from a Martensitic Fe-Pd Alloy (in session "Poster Session")
Discovering peptide inhibitors against FtsY, an antibiotic target (in session "Poster Session")
Disulfide bond formation between T-cell receptor and peptide antigen lowers the threshold of T cell activation (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Do reduced aggregation and crystallinity really help to improve the photovoltaic performance of terpolymer acceptors in all-polymer solar cells? (in session "Poster Session")
Effect of different cladding alloys and grinding on residual stress in laser clad light rail components using neutron diffraction (in session "Poster Session")
Effects of Mn and Co Ion Implantation on Pseudocapacitive Performance of Ceria-Nanostructures on Ni-Foam (in session "Poster Session")
Elucidating the Structures and Behaviour of Therapeutic Delivery Platforms with Non-interfering Techniques (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Elucidation of the electronic structure in lanthanoid-radical systems by inelastic neutron scattering (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
EMU cold-neutron backscattering spectrometer at ACNS, ANSTO (in session "Poster Session")
Energy Storage Rocks: Metal Carbonates as Thermochemical Energy Storage Materials (in session "Poster Session")
Enhancing synchrotron modulated Microbeam Radiation Therapy in vivo with novel high Z nanoparticles (in session "Poster Session")
Exploring Amine-based MOFs for Electrochemical Water Splitting (in session "Poster Session")
Exploring the Surface of Vanadium Phosphate Cathode Materials (in session "Poster Session")
From deep time to the present: An exploration of Aboriginal connections to South Australia’s Riverland region (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
From Niche to Mainstream: Ptychography Comes of Age. (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Full Hemisphere Photoemission Using the Toroidal Analyser (in session "Poster Session")
Fusion Peptide Interactions with the Lipidic Cubic Phase (in session "Poster Session")
Gd-TPP-DOTA reduces cell viability in cancer cells via synchrotron radiotherapy (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Getting better statistics: variable count time data collection with large linear detectors. (in session "Poster Session")
Good vibrations: phonons in topological thermoelectrics (in session "Physics, Surface & Condensed Matter")
Hepatic lipid composition in dietary models of high iron NAFLD investigated with Synchrotron Infrared and X-Ray Fluorescence microscopy (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
High crystallinity nitrogen doping of ALaTiO4 and A2La2Ti3O10 (A = Na¬+, K+) photocatalysts (in session "Poster Session")
High speed free-run ptychography at the Australian Synchrotron (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
High viscosity injector effects on the phase behaviour of lipidic cubic phase (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
High-resolution high throughput thermal neutron tomographic imaging of fossiliferous cave breccias from Sumatra (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
High-Resolution Macro ATR-FTIR Chemical Imaging Capability at Australian Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy (IRM) Beamline (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Hot Commissioning and First User Experiments on the Spatz Neutron Reflectometer (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
How Do Ion Specific Effects Operate in Ionic Liquids? (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
How to take a perfect image with DINGO (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Human MLKL is maintained by RIPK3 in an inactive conformation prior to disengagement and cell death by necroptosis (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal in Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast Tomography (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
In-situ X-ray diffaction for hydrogen sorption study of Mg-La alloys (in session "Advanced Materials")
In-situ X-ray imaging of transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding in solder joints (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Inelastic Neutron Scattering of Liquid Metal Gallium (in session "Poster Session")
Inelastic Neutron Scatterings Reveal Intense Ferromagnetic Fluctuations Preceding Magnetoelastic First-Order Transitions in LaFe13−xSix (in session "Poster Session")
Influencing lipid hydrolysis by minute molecular changes (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Insight into the Variations of ABO4 Structures: Combined Experimental and Computational Studies (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Interfacial spin-structures in Pt/Tb3Fe5O12 bilayer films on Gd3Ga5O12 substrates (in session "Advanced Materials")
Investigating negative thermal expansion in aliphatic metal-organic frameworks (in session "Poster Session")
Investigating the dielectric properties of the cornea and tympanic membrane using Synchrotron ATR and transmission at THz frequencies (in session "Poster Session")
Investigating the interactions of monoolein liquid crystals with human microbiomes (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Investigating the role of Zn in glucose regulation using X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Investigating the Therapeutic Benefit of Spermidine in a Pre-Clinical Model of Muscular Dystrophy (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Investigation of Residual Stress and Mechanical Properties of Steelwork After Laser Cleaning (in session "Poster Session")
Investigation of the Diffusion of Cr2O3 into different phases of TiO2 upon Annealing (in session "Poster Session")
Jaws caught on the IMBL (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
KOALA 2: Implications for magnetic structural and exotic studies (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
KOALA 2: making a good instrument better! (in session "Poster Session")
Kookaburra, the ultra-small-angle neutron scattering instrument at ANSTO: design and recent applications (in session "Poster Session")
Kowari residual stress diffractometer (in session "Poster Session")
Leaving a mark on forensic science: Using synchrotron microscopy and spectroscopy to explore fingermark chemistry (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
Lithium Lanthanide Halides: A New Family of Solid Electrolytes (in session "Poster Session")
Magnetic Nanochain Formation Studied by Small-Angle Scattering (in session "Advanced Materials")
Magnetic Ordering in Superconducting Sandwiches (in session "Physics, Surface & Condensed Matter")
Magnetically-guided particle delivery to airway surfaces for cystic fibrosis gene therapy: Synchrotron-based visualisation and optimisation for improved in vivo lentiviral gene transfer (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Magnetoelastic coupling as a relaxation pathway for single ion magnets observed using inelastic neutron scattering. (in session "Advanced Materials")
Maximum flux: Using time-resolved neutron reflectometry to improve our understanding of surface-initiated polymerisation (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Medium Energy Spectroscopy (MEX) - Opportunities for Microspectroscopy (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Medium Energy Spectroscopy (MEX) - Sample environments and supporting infrastructure (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Medium Energy Spectroscopy (MEX) – The spectroMEX High Resolution Crystal Spectrometer (in session "Poster Session")
Membrane permeabilisation is mediated by distinct epitopes in mouse and human orthologs of the necroptosis effector, MLKL (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Micro-Computed Tomography (MCT) beamline at ANSTO/Australian Synchrotron: A progress report (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Microbeam radiation therapy in a heart beat (in session "Poster Session")
Microstructure and residual stress interactions in metal additive manufacturing: post-build assessment and new in-situ methods (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Molecular binding and exchange between model membranes and biologically relevant lipid assemblies (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Muti-Scale Dynamic Study on The Amphiphilic Nanostructure of Protic Ionic Liquids (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
MyD88 TIR domain higher-order assembly interactions revealed by serial femtosecond crystallography (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Natural ageing behaviour in Al-Cu alloys containing Sc and Zr (in session "Advanced Materials")
Neutron and synchrotron characterisation techniques for hydrogen fuel cell materials (in session "Physics, Surface & Condensed Matter")
Neutron Reflectometry Unravels Allergen-Lung Surfactant Monolayer Interactions in the Development of Pollen-Induced Thunderstorm Asthma (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
New developments in neutron imaging at DINGO (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
New insight in corrosion mechanisms of nuclear fuel cladding using synchrotron x-rays (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Novel techniques with ATR apparatus at THz frequencies (in session "Poster Session")
Ocean acidification alters the nutritional value of Antarctic diatoms (in session "Poster Session")
One layer at a time: Unlocking Novel Materials and Structures for Neutron Radiation Environments through Additive Manufacturing (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Operando investigation of a lead-acid battery with the IMBL. (in session "Advanced Materials")
Origin of vertical slab orientation in blade-coated layered hybrid perovskite films revealed with in-situ synchrotron X-ray scattering (in session "Advanced Materials")
Physical insights into self-assembly of enzymatic protein particles using Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) (in session "Poster Session")
Pioneer plant driven primary mineral weathering and secondary mineral formation in Fe ore tailings (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
Platypus Neutron Reflectometer (in session "Poster Session")
Precision Measurement of the Complex Fine Structure at the Australian Synchrotron (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Pressure-dependent changes in Zr coordination in silicate liquid: in vs. ex situ measurements (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
Prof Despina Louca - Plenary (in session "Plenary")
Quantifying the robustness of neutron reflectometry for analysing polymer brush structure (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Quantifying the x-ray dark-field signal in single-grid imaging (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Quokka, the Pinhole Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument at ANSTO (in session "Poster Session")
Radiation monitor for astronaut safety and prediction of electronic failure in the space mission (in session "Poster Session")
Radiation test of Rad-Hard ICs for space applications (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Recent highlights from the Pelican spectrometer (in session "Poster Session")
refnx - The Next Generation of Reflectometry Analysis Software (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Regional lung volume measures in small animal models from single projection X-ray images (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Ruthenium-Based Pyrochlore Oxides for Improved Electrocatalysis (in session "Poster Session")
SAXS investigation of protic ionic liquid-water mixtures, and their application to protein crystallisation (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Scaling behaviour of the skyrmions lattices in Cu2OSeO3 single crystals from small angle neutron scattering (in session "Poster Session")
Scattering or spectroscopy? Both! (in session "Physics, Surface & Condensed Matter")
Scientific computing support for neutron scattering experiments at ANSTO (in session "Poster Session")
Self-Assembly of Carbon Dioxide Nonionic Surfactants in Ionic Liquids (in session "Poster Session")
Self-assembly of surfactants in protic ionic liquids (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Shape of nanopores in track-etched polycarbonate membranes (in session "Advanced Materials")
Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformations of Metal–Organic-Framework-Supported, Site-Isolated Trigonal-Planar Cu(I) Complexes with Labile Ligands (in session "Advanced Materials")
Size, shape and colloidal stability of fluorescent nanodiamonds in aqueous suspension (in session "Poster Session")
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Capability at ANSTO (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Small Angle Neutron Scattering instrument Bilby: capabilities to study mainstream and complex systems (in session "Poster Session")
Spectroscopic Analysis of Age-Related Changes in the Brain Lateral Ventricles During Ageing (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Spin Dynamics, Critical Scattering and Magnetoelectric Coupling Mechanism of Mn$_4$Nb$_2$O$_9$ (in session "Poster Session")
Stability and Applications of Model Membranes (in session "Poster Session")
Status, statistics, and recent research highlights from Echidna (in session "Poster Session")
Stimuli Responsive Switchable Chemical Sensors (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Structural basis of coronavirus E protein interactions with human PALS1 PDZ domain (in session "Poster Session")
Structural basis of higher-order assembly formation in Toll-like receptor 1,2 and 6 signaling pathway (in session "Poster Session")
Structural basis of the Trichoplax adhaerens Scribble and Dlg interactions with the PDZ-binding motif of Vangl (in session "Poster Session")
Structural characterization of SARS-Cov-2 spike derived peptides presented by the Human Leukocyte Antigen A*29:02. (in session "Poster Session")
Structural insights into the ferroxidase and iron sequestration mechanisms of ferritin from Caenorhabditis elegans (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Structural insights into the unique modes of relaxin-binding and tethered-agonist mediated activation of RXFP1 and RXFP2 (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Structural studies of solid-state ionic conductors at the limits of diffraction and beyond (in session "Advanced Materials")
Structural, Biochemical and Functional characterization of Salmonella BcfH: an unusual Dsb-like fimbrial protein (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Structures of biliary micelles during solubilisation of lipids mimicking the digestion products of human and bovine milk (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Studying Polysaccharides in Solution with SAXS and Molecular Dynamics (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Sub cellular scale mapping of deuterated compounds by nanoSIMS (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Synchrotron CT dosimetry at the IMBL for low wiggler magnetic field strength and spatial modulation with bow tie filters (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Synchrotron infrared characterisation of SARS-CoV-2 virions for a new COVID-19 saliva test (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Synchrotron Light for Exploring Arsenic Environments in Arsenian Pyrite (in session "Poster Session")
Synthesis and characterization of K2YbF5 upconversion nanoparticles (in session "Poster Session")
Synthesis and structural characterisation of novel perovskite-type Na-ion conductors (in session "Poster Session")
Taipan – a versatile thermal neutron scattering instrument for materials research. (in session "Poster Session")
The Death Kiss: understanding how the zombie protein, MLKL, is triggered to kill cells by necroptosis (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
The High Performance Macromolecular Crystallography (MX3) Beamline (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
The Imaging and Medical Beamline is expanding (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
The investigation of structural and electronic configurations of noble-metal free nanocomposite and electrocatalytic oxides for acidic water electrolysis (in session "Poster Session")
The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor ligand binding domain and the interactivity with ion-channel control (in session "Poster Session")
The Nanoprobe beamline at the Australian Synchrotron: towards day #1, July 2024 (in session "Poster Session")
The new external ion beam capability for testing of electronics suitable for harsh space radiation environments (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
The recent progress of polarized neutron scattering techniques at SIKA (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
The silver bullet: using silver doped lanthanum manganite to selectively target deadly brain cancer (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
The structure and spectroscopy of solid propanal: A potential mineral for planetary astrobiology (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
The use of variable temperature synchrotron XRD to characterise the behaviour of low temperature solder alloys (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Thermal evolution in metals as revealed by in-situ neutron diffraction (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Tomographic X-ray phase and attenuation extraction for a sample composed of unknown materials (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Total Scattering Measurements at the Australian Synchrotron Powder Diffraction Beamline: Capabilities and Limitations (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Total scattering: science that’s better than average (in session "Advanced Materials")
Towards real-time analysis of liquid jet alignment in SFX (in session "Poster Session")
Towards fast dose calculations for novel radiotherapy treatments with generative adversarial networks (in session "Physics, Surface & Condensed Matter")
Understanding and controlling the formation of photonic crystals from polydisperse colloidal systems (in session "Poster Session")
Understanding and controlling the formation of photonic crystals from polydisperse colloidal systems (in session "Poster Session")
Understanding Order and Correlation in Liquid Crystals by Fluctuation Scattering (in session "Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography")
Understanding the generation and evolution of reaction-induced porosity in the replacement of calcite by gypsum: A combined microscopy, X-ray micro-tomography, and USANS/SANS study (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
Understanding the structural basis of TIR-domain assembly formation in TRAM- and TRIF- dependent TLR signalling (in session "Poster Session")
Update on Polarised Neutron Capabilities at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
Use of high-resolution technologies to understand the broken past (in session "Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage")
Using low energy ion beams to pattern the surface of novel semiconductors (in session "Poster Session")
Using X-ray crystallography to understand bushfire-induced seed germination (in session "Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science")
Verification of L-alanine single-crystallinity for anisotropic synchrotron terahertz measurements (in session "Physics, Surface & Condensed Matter")
Wavefield Characterisation of MHz XFEL Pulse Trains (in session "Physics, Surface & Condensed Matter")
Wombat – the high intensity diffractometer at OPAL (in session "Poster Session")
Working Mechanisms of Conversion-Type Metaphosphate Electrodes for Lithium/Sodium-Ion Batteries (in session "Poster Session")
X-ray dark-field imaging without optics (in session "Instruments & Techniques")
X-ray structure of a transmembrane domain from an ABC-transporter dependent system from Neisseria meningitidis in a non-biological state (in session "Poster Session")
Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) structure and properties correlation to nucleic acid delivery (in session "Poster Session")
Include materials from selected contributions