Opening day
Submission deadline
You are invited to submit an abstract in one of the follow topics
- Advanced Materials
- Biomedicine,Life science & Food Science
- Physics,Surface & Condensed Matter
- Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography
- Manufacturing & Engineering
- Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage
- Instruments & Techniques
To submit a poster abstract, please follow the link at the bottom of the page and select Poster as the presentation type.
As part of the abstract submission process, we also request information on your career status (student,ECR,Experience or Expert) as well as your gender. This is to assist us to assist us in ensuring that all delegates have equal opportunity to participate in the conference. For more information, please see our policy
Your choice of scientific track will assist the organising committee to assign reviewers for your abstract. You may also nominate keywords to assist with reviewer assignment.
Including formatting and special characters (e.g. Greek or mathematical symbols)
Formatting and special characters can be included via the use of Markdown (HTML tags) or LaTex commands. Some commonly used tags are available in the abstract editor, for example bold and italic formatting. More comprehensive lists of tags are widely available online, for example here.
Some further examples of formatting and special characters, using HTML tags:
Superscript: text will give text
Subscript: text will give text
Lower case alpha: α will give α
Lower case pi: π will give π
To write eiπ - 1 = 0, you must type: ei π - 1 = 0
The abstract submission window includes a preview of your formatted text. To view how your submitted abstract body will appear in the conference handbook, you can also go to the View my abstracts link in the main menu, and then export it in pdf format. Note that an abstract can be edited at any time up until the submission deadline (see below).
Editing or withdrawing an abstract
Abstracts may be edited or withdrawn up until the submission deadline. To edit or withdraw an abstract, click on View my abstracts link in the main menu, and then select the abstract you wish to modify. You can now select the option to edit, withdraw or view your abstract (in pdf format) using the links at the top right of the screen.
Checking on the status of an abstract
Abstract status can be checked by using the View my abstracts link in the main menu. You should also receive an automated email upon successful submission of an abstract.