24-26 November 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

High-Resolution Macro ATR-FTIR Chemical Imaging Capability at Australian Synchrotron Infrared Microspectroscopy (IRM) Beamline

25 Nov 2021, 12:00


Oral Instruments & Techniques Instruments & Techniques


Jitraporn (Pimm) Vongsvivut (Australian Synchrotron)


This presentation aims to provide a summary on technical aspects and applications of our synchrotron macro ATR-FTIR microspectroscopy, unique to the Infrared Microspectroscopy (IRM) beamline at ANSTO–Australian Synchrotron.1 The device was developed by modifying the cantilever arm of a standard macro-ATR unit to accept Ge-ATR elements. Coupling synchrotron-IR beam to the Ge-ATR element (n=4), reduces the beam focus size by a factor of 4 (improving lateral resolution), and the mapping step size by 4 times relative to the stage step motion. As a result, the macro ATR-FTIR measurement at our IRM beamline can be performed at minimum projected aperture (sampling spot size) of 1-2 μm using a 20x objective, and minimum mapping step size of 250 nm, allowing high-resolution chemical imaging analysis with the resolution limit beyond those allowed for standard synchrotron-FTIR transmission and reflectance setups.

The technique has facilitated many experiments in a diverse range of research disciplinary. Here, there will be presentations based on macro ATR-FTIR technique in archaeology, electrochemistry (battery), biomedical and forensic sciences. Apart from these, we will provide additional applications in the fields of food and pharmaceutical science,2-4 single-fibre analysis,5-6 and dentistry.7

[1] J. Vongsvivut, et al., Analyst 144, 10, 3226-323 (2019).
[2] A.P. Pax, et al., Food Chemistry, 291, 214-222 (2019).
[3] Y.P. Timilsena, et al., Food Chemistry, 275, 457-466 (2019).
[4] D.M. Silva, et al., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 587, 499-509 (2021).
[5] S. Nunna, et al., Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 7372-7382 (2017).
[6] C. Haynl, et al., Scientific Reports, 10, 17624 (2020).
[7] P.V. Seredin, et al., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 6510 (2021).

Presenter Gender Woman
Level of Expertise Expert
Pronouns She/Her
Condition of submission Yes
Which facility did you use for your research Australian Synchrotron

Primary author

Jitraporn (Pimm) Vongsvivut (Australian Synchrotron)


Dr Mark Tobin (ANSTO) Annaleise Klein (ANSTO) Keith Bambery (ANSTO)

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