24-26 November 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

The recent progress of polarized neutron scattering techniques at SIKA

26 Nov 2021, 13:30


Oral Instruments & Techniques Instruments & Techniques


Shinichiro Yano (NSRRC)


SIKA, the cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer is on the CG4 beam port at the OPAL reactor, ACNS, ANSTO. We have reported the capabilities and status of SIKA in the last several user's meetings.
In this meeting, we discuss the recent development of polarized neutron scattering experiments on SIKA. A 3He polarization analysis system is available for SIKA. We have performed several user experiments and commissioning experiments in the last two years. We would like to present some results by introducing the techniques we are trying to implement. In addition, we discuss our plan for the polarized neutron scattering experiment on the SIKA.

Presenter Gender Man
Condition of submission Yes
Level of Expertise Experienced Researcher
Which facility did you use for your research Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering

Primary authors

Shinichiro Yano (NSRRC) Guochu Deng (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization) Kirrily Rule (ANSTO) Nicolas de Souza (ANSTO - Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering) Andrew Manning (ANSTO) Mr Hanz Peng (NSRRC) Chun-Ming Wu (NSRRC)

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