24-26 November 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

High-resolution high throughput thermal neutron tomographic imaging of fossiliferous cave breccias from Sumatra

24 Nov 2021, 16:35


Oral Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage


Ms Holly Ellen Smith (Griffith University)


We employ high-throughput thermal-neutron tomographic imaging to visualise internal diagnostic features of dense fossiliferous breccia from three Pleistocene cave localities in Sumatra, Indonesia. We demonstrate that these seemingly homogeneous breccias are an excellent source of data to aid in determining taphonomic and depositional histories of complex depositional sites such as tropical caves. X-ray Computed Tomographic (CT) imaging is gaining importance amongst palaeontologists as a non-destructive approach to studying fossil remains. Traditional methods of fossil preparation risk damage to the specimen and may destroy contextual evidence in the surrounding matrix. CT imaging can reveal the internal composition and structure of fossils contained within consolidated sediment/rock matrices prior to any destructive mechanical or chemical preparation. Neutron tomography (NT) provides an alternative contrast to X-rays, and in some circumstances, is capable of discerning denser matrices impenetrable to or yielding no contrast with CT imaging. High throughput neutron imaging reduces neutron fluence during scanning which means there is less residual neutron-induced radioactivation in geological samples; allowing for earlier subsequent analyses. However, this approach remains unutilised in palaeontology, archaeology or geological surveys. Results suggest that the primary agents in the formation of the breccias and concentration of incorporated vertebrate remains are several rapid depositional phases of water and sediment gravity flow. This study highlights the potential for future analyses of breccia deposits in palaeontological studies in caves around the world.

Level of Expertise Student
Presenter Gender Woman
Students Only - Are you interested in AINSE student funding Yes
Condition of submission Yes
Do you wish to take part in the Student Poster Slam No
Pronouns She/Her
Which facility did you use for your research Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering

Primary authors

Ms Holly Ellen Smith (Griffith University) Dr Joseph Bevitt (ANSTO) Prof. Jahdi Zaim (Institut Teknologi Bandung) Dr Yan Rizal (Institut Teknologi Bandung) Dr Aswan Aswan (Institut Teknologi Bandung) Dr Mika Rizki Puspaningrum (Institut Teknologi Bandung) Dr Agus Trihascaryo (Institut Teknologi Bandung) Dr Gilbert Price (University of Queensland) Prof. Gregory Webb (University of Queensland) Dr Julien Louys (Griffith University)

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