24-26 November 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

Investigating the Therapeutic Benefit of Spermidine in a Pre-Clinical Model of Muscular Dystrophy

24 Nov 2021, 11:50


Oral Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science Biomedicine, Life science & Food Science


Lauryn Schaddee Van Dooren (University of Melbourne)


Research into treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) typically focuses on deterioration of muscle, however bone health is also severely compromised. Current treatment with corticosteroids exacerbate bone loss, so novel therapies targeting both muscle and bone are needed. Studies on bone health in a pre-clinical model, mdx mice, are limited and have conflicting results.
Objective of study: To characterise aspects of bone health in mdx mice and investigate whether spermidine might attenuate disease symptoms and spare bone.
Bone structure and function were assessed in 16-week-old mdx mice femurs by three-point bending, microarchitectural assessment using the Imaging and Medical Beamline (IMBL) at the Australian Synchrotron, and by histological analysis. Cortical thickness and cortical bone area fraction were lower in dystrophic mice compared to wild-type controls (WT). No differences were observed in metaphyseal trabecular bone morphometry. Three-point bending indicated that mdx femurs required less stress to reach yield point and failure but were able to sustain damage for a longer period (post-yield displacement) compared to WT mice. Despite this, mdx femurs required more energy to reach failure. Histology revealed lower osteoblast numbers in mdx mice. Spermidine treatment did not appear to compromise bone health in either WT or mdx mice which is important as current treatments typically worsen bone quality. This study provides novel data about aspects of skeletal morphology in mdx mice at 16 weeks of age, and provides new techniques using pre-clinical models to investigate potential therapies for DMD patients that might target both muscle and bone.

Pronouns She/Her
Presenter Gender Woman
Level of Expertise Student
Condition of submission Yes
Do you wish to take part in the Student Poster Slam No
Students Only - Are you interested in AINSE student funding Yes
Which facility did you use for your research Australian Synchrotron

Primary author

Lauryn Schaddee Van Dooren (University of Melbourne)


Dr Ahmed Al Saedi (University of Melbourne ) Prof. Alan Hayes (University of Melbourne) Prof. Damian Myers (University of Melbourne ) Dr Craig Goodman (University of Melbourne) Dr Ali Ghasem Zadeh (University of Melbourne) Mr Nicholas Giourmas (Victoria University)

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