24-26 November 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

Ocean acidification alters the nutritional value of Antarctic diatoms

25 Nov 2021, 18:03


Poster Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage Poster Session


Ms Rebecca Duncan (University of Technology Sydney and UNIS Svalbard)


The cold waters of the Southern Ocean (SO) are acknowledged as a major hotspot for atmospheric CO2 uptake and is anticipated to be one of first regions to be affected by Ocean acidification (OA). Primary production in the SO is dominated by diatom-rich phytoplankton assemblages, whose individual physiologies and community composition are strongly shaped by the environment, yet knowledge on how diatoms allocate cellular energy in response to OA is limited. Using Synchrotron based FTIR-Microspectroscopy at the Australian Synchrotron, we analysed the macromolecular content of selected individual diatom taxa from a natural Antarctic phytoplankton community exposed to a gradient of fCO2 levels (288 – 1263 µatm). We found strong species-specific differences in macromolecular partitioning under OA. Larger taxa showed preferential energy allocation towards proteins, while smaller taxa increased both lipid and protein stores. Our study also revealed an OA-induced community shift towards smaller taxa and lower silicification rates at high fCO2. If these changes are representative of future Antarctic diatom physiology, we may expect a shift away from lipid rich large diatoms towards a community dominated by smaller, less silicified taxa, but with higher lipid and protein stores than their present-day contemporaries, a response that could have cascading effects on foodweb dynamics in the Antarctic marine ecosystem.

Condition of submission Yes
Do you wish to take part in the Student Poster Slam Yes
Presenter Gender Woman
Pronouns She/Her
Students Only - Are you interested in AINSE student funding Yes
Which facility did you use for your research Australian Synchrotron
Level of Expertise Student

Primary author

Ms Rebecca Duncan (University of Technology Sydney and UNIS Svalbard)


Dr Daniel Nielsen (University of Technology Sydney) Dr Cristin Sheehan (University Technology Sydney) Dr Stacy Deppeler (University of Tasmania and New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) Dr Alyce Hancock (University of Tasmania) Dr Kai Schulz (Southern Cross University) Dr Andrew Davidson (Australian Antarctic Division) Dr Katherina Petrou (University of Technology Sydney)

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