24-26 November 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

Understanding the structural basis of TIR-domain assembly formation in TRAM- and TRIF- dependent TLR signalling

25 Nov 2021, 18:00


Poster Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography Poster Session


Ms Mengqi Pan


Toll-like receptors (TLRs) detect pathogens and endogenous danger, initiating immune responses that lead to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. At the same time, TLR-mediated inflammation is associated with a number of pathological states, including infectious, autoimmune, inflammatory, cardiovascular and cancer-related disorders. This dual role of the pathways has attracted widespread interest from pharmaceutical industries. Cytoplasmic signalling by TLRs starts by their TIR (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor) domain interacting with TIR domain-containing adaptor proteins MyD88, MAL, TRIF and TRAM. Combinatorial recruitment of these adaptors via TIR:TIR domain interactions orchestrates downstream signalling pathways, leading to induction of the pro-inflammatory genes. Although many constituents of the TLR pathways have been identified, the available information on their coordinated interactions is limited. Such information is crucial for a mechanistic understanding of TLR signalling, development of therapeutic strategies, and understanding of the molecular basis of the consequences for human disease of adaptor polymorphic variants. We have discovered that TIR domains can form large assemblies. We hypothesized that TIR domain signalling occurs through a mechanism involving higher-order assembly formation. In this study we aim to determine the molecular architecture of higher-order assemblies formed by TIR domains with a focus on TRAM-TRIF assemblies in the TLR4 and TLR3 pathway.

Level of Expertise Student
Students Only - Are you interested in AINSE student funding Yes
Condition of submission Yes
Pronouns She/Her
Do you wish to take part in the Student Poster Slam Yes
Presenter Gender Woman
Which facility did you use for your research Australian Synchrotron

Primary author

Ms Mengqi Pan


Prof. Bostjan Kobe Dr Jeff Nanson

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