24-26 November 2021
Australia/Sydney timezone

Lithium Lanthanide Halides: A New Family of Solid Electrolytes

25 Nov 2021, 18:18


Poster Chemistry, Soft Matter & Crystallography Poster Session


Michael Brennan (University of Sydney)


The growing need for safe and reliable energy storage has brought the search for stable, high performance solid electrolytes to the forefront of battery materials research. Recently, it has been shown that lithium lanthanide halides (Li$_3$MX$_6$, M = La-Lu, X = Cl, Br, I) with high ionic conductivities can be synthesized through mechanochemical and water mediated routes, creating renewed interest in the family of compounds. However, Li$_3$MX$_6$ compounds have only been synthesised with the late lanthanides (Eu-Lu), apart from the isolated case of samarium bromide, and of these compounds, only Li$_3$MX$_6$ (X = Cl, Br, I) and Li$_3$YbCl$_6$ have had their crystal structures reported. This leaves a large gap in the literature that is yet to be explored. The family of Li$_3$MX$_6$ compounds share properties that make them highly appealing for use in all-solid-state batteries. Their structural properties, namely disordered lithium sites and soft anion lattices, allow for Li$_3$MX$_6$ compounds to have excellent ionic conductivities of ~1 mS/cm, comparable to garnet Li$_7$La$_3$Zr$_2$O$_{12}$, one of the most promising solid electrolytes for lithium batteries. Additionally, halides have a favourable decomposition against lithium metal electrodes, forming ionically conductive and electronically insulating LiX interphase materials. These interphase materials are stable during cycling and impede any further electrolyte decomposition, allowing for excellent cyclic stability. These properties, along with the large gaps that are yet to be explored, make research into Li$_3$MX$_6$ compounds imperative for the continued development of solid-state electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries.

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Primary author

Michael Brennan (University of Sydney)

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