Information for attendees

Information for Attendees


Tutorials will be run using GSAS II or Topas. Attendees must choose one of these 2 packages. Attendees should bring windows PCs, Macs will not be supported.


Those wishing to attend the Topas tutorials should have their own Topas licence. Tutorials will be run in launch mode only. A suitable text editor (e.g. JEdit ), is also required. 

Information about setting up JEdit with Topas can be found here.


Attendees wishing to use GSAS II should arrive with the latest version fully downloaded and installed on their own laptops.

Information about installing GSAS II can be found here.


Accommodation will be provided at the Australian Synchrotron Guesthouse for Regional, interstate and international attendees. Please indicate on your registration form if you require accommodation.


Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner will be provided in the NCSS at the Synchrotron. 

Please indicate on your registration form any special requirements you may have.


Flights to Melbourne will NOT be provided. 

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