2-7 September 2018
Australian National Maritime Museum
Australia/Sydney timezone

Recent progress of neutron imaging facility and applications at China Advanced Research Reactor

6 Sep 2018, 15:50
Lighthouse Gallery (Australian National Maritime Museum)

Lighthouse Gallery

Australian National Maritime Museum

2 Murray Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Oral Instrumentation Speaker Sessions and Seminars


meimei wu


A thermal neutron imaging facility and a cold neutron imaging facility are under construction at China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR). At present, some main components, such as collimator, sample table, detection system, etal have been finished, and the others are under construction. The thermal neutron imaging facility will be operated in two modes: high intensity and high resolution depending on the distance between the sample and the aperture. The cold neutron imaging facility is more flexible, and sample can be placed at several positions, depending on the research demands.
With the neutron imaging testing station built at the end of one neutron guide, many applications had been carried out, including testing Zr alloy nuclear fuel cladding, fuel cell, lithium battery, plants, rocks, fossils and so on. Both the neutron radiography and neutron tomography methods were studied.

Primary author

Prof. dongfeng chen (China Institute of Atomic Energy)


Dr Linfeng He (China Institute of Atomic Energy) Prof. Songbai Han (China Institute of Atomic Energy) meimei wu

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