2-7 September 2018
Australian National Maritime Museum
Australia/Sydney timezone

Construction of a Quasi-Monoenergetic Neutron Source for Fast-Neutron Imaging

4 Sep 2018, 16:30
Lighthouse Gallery (Australian National Maritime Museum)

Lighthouse Gallery

Australian National Maritime Museum

2 Murray Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Oral Instrumentation Speaker Sessions and Seminars


Micah Johnson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is developing a high-brightness, quasi-monoenergetic neutron source for fast-neutron imaging. Past and on-going image quality index (IQI) measurements of various objects show that there is great promise for fast-neutron imaging, specifically for imaging structural and material integrity of low-density materials within high density enclosures. Simulations, calculations, and measurements show that discerning detail in the low-density materials as well as interfaces between low- and high-density materials is greatly improved using fast-neutron imaging compared to X-rays and has high potential for seeing corrosion between different materials. The intensity of the neutron source is expected to be 1011 n/s/sr with a fixed energy at 10 MeV with 5% bandwidth at 0-degrees. A 7-MeV pulsed linear accelerator will drive the neutron source. The accelerator will deliver a 300-uA average current deuteron beam onto a pulsed deuterium windowless gas target. The gas target is necessary because of the combined beam power and the requirement for a small source spot size. We will present the results of measurements of fast-neutron imaging we have made with different source types. We will discuss our source construction and plan forward for fast-neutron imaging.

*This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344

Primary authors

Brian Rusnak (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Micah Johnson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Scott Anderson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Darren Bleuel (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Joseph Caggiano (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Peter Fitsos (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) David Gibson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) James Hall (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Marsh Roark (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Andrew Ratkiewicz (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Jeff Gronberg (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Presentation Materials

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