A limited amount of accommodation is available at the Australian Synchrotron Guesthouse. Room bookings can be requested by downloading and completing the application form, and emailing it directly to the User Office.
More information on the Guesthouse facilities can be found here.
Other nearby accommodation options can be found here.
Information on travel options from Melbourne Airport, Tullamarine, to the Australian Synchrotron can be found here.
Travel support
A limited amount of travel support is available to students from AINSE member institutes to travel to the New User Sympsosium.
Funding is available:
- Only for students from AINSE member institutes. Students seeking travel support must use their institute email to register, and/or provide evidence of their institutional affiliation when requested.
- For economy class flights only, using the cheapest available fares (e.g. fully flexible fares will not be purchased). No other travel expenses will be funded. Tickets will be directly purchased by the organisers and distributed to the applicants.
- For allocation in order of receipt of applications until all the funds are expended.
If you wish to apply for travel support, please indicate this during registration. Please note that this is a request only - the organisers will contact you separately to confirm the amount of travel support available.