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- Helen Brand Australian Synchrotron.
- Glyn Devlin Australian Synchrotron
Paul Di Pietro
- Speaker at AINSE awards and support options / Q&A
- Rohan Dowd Australian Synchrotron
Tracey Hanley
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
- Speaker at Small angle scattering
Peter Holden
- Speaker at National Deuteration Facility
Stephen Holt
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
- Speaker at Reflectometry: What is it Good For?
- Mihail Ionescu ANSTO
- Michael James Australian Synchrotron
Nigel Kirby
Australian Synchrotron
- Speaker at SAXS/WAXS at the Australian Synchrotron
Andrew Peele
Australian Synchrotron
- Speaker at Welcome
Rob Robinson
- Speaker at Welcome
- Speaker at Keynote Introduction to ANSTO's Bragg Institute
Filomena Salvemini
- Speaker at Imaging with neutrons
- Andrew Smith ANSTO
Anton Tadich
Australian Synchrotron
- Speaker at Surface Science at the Soft X-ray Beamline
Mark Tobin
Australian Synchrotron
- Speaker at Infrared Microspectroscopy