General: Talks
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General: Talks
- David Button (ANSTO)
General: Talks
- David Brodrick (ANU)
General: Talks
- Brian Taylor (The Australian National University)
General: Last Session
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General: Welcome
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General: Welcome
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The Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) at the Australian National University is reaching a series 50-year milestones in its operation of the 14UD tandem pelletron particle accelerator. Far from fading into the dying light, the accelerator and facility are instead pushing toward the future with an array of major infrastructure initiatives and an expanded range of industry relevant...
Bearings present engineering challenges in a cryogenic environment, both from geometric control and tribology points of view. Differential thermal strains, resulting from non-similar materials, thermal gradients, differential cooling rates or a lack of suitable lubrication can cause bearing degradation or malfunction. Thermal strain issues can be overcome using by exploiting specific design...
Model Based Systems Engineering is something I wish I had discovered much earlier in my career. It is an effective way to help manage the architecture, interfaces and requirements of complex instrumentation projects. I will use this opportunity to provide a brief introduction and reflect on some of the ways we have used MBSE for our projects at AITC.
The Pelletron at the University of Melbourne has been used for materials analysis and ion implantation since its installation in the 1970s. Today, it is primarily used to produce proton and helium beams up to 3.5 and 1.5MeV respectively, serving three beamlines via a rotating spectrometer magnet. Although the approximate beam current and transverse profile can be measured using the...
this talk will give an introduction to the Australian synchrotron accelerator facilities and a summary of current key accelerator upgrade projects we are undertaking and their technical challenges.
Current major upgrades include the booster and storage ring RF amplifiers, electron gun and storage ring injection system.
An introduction to the Advanced Instrumentation Technology forum and also diversity in STEM facilities.
An overview of the ANU Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility.
This talk will outline the Space Test Facility run by the Advanced Instrumentation Technology Centre at the ANU Mount Stromlo Observatory.
The ANU has been awarded funding to develop a simulated space radiation testing facility. The facility is aimed at qualifying electronic components for use in space projects. Radiation will be produced and targeted at electronic equipment to measure the effects at a component level. Two of the parts required in this system are: slits for defining the area of irradiation, and dosimetry to...
Alexey will present on some of the spacecraft missions he has been involved in.
This talk will provide a description of the Advanced Composites Manufacturing facility and recent demonstration projects.
The first Southern Hemisphere X-band Laboratory for Accelerators and Beams (X-LAB) is under construction at the University of Melbourne, and it will operate CERN X-band test stand containing two 12GHz 6MW klystron amplifiers. By power combination through hybrid couplers and the use of pulse compressors, up to 50 MW of peak power can be sent to any of 2 test slots at pulse repetition rates up...
Every day we interact with compliant mechanisms (CMs), whether you realise it or not. They are present in light switches, zippers, and even your plastic takeaway container. A compliant mechanism is a mechanism that uses one or more flexing features to achieve a mechanical outcome. We use them frequently at the AITC as substitutes for traditional mechanisms, such as bearings, slides, and...
Optical engineering combines the disciplines of physics, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. At AITC we design and integrate optical systems. This talk gives an overview of optical engineering techniques, some tools of the trade, and some tips and tricks that we have learned through building optical systems.
In this presetation I will introduce the Australian National Nanofabrication Facility on a general level, and then more specifically OptoFab ACT which is a recent new node formed around optical coatings,precision custom optical fabriction, and ultimately optical chips. I will present the current and upcoming capabilties and some exaamples of components and systems we have built.
This talk will outline the detector technology program at the ANU RSAA Advanced Instrumentation Technology Centre.
From requirements to execution of test on hardware and then back using JAMA, JIRA, CICD, tango, k8s and hardware.
The preparation of Ferromanganese crust samples for AMS studies.