17-19 October 2022
Australia/Sydney timezone

Bringing custom and precsion optics to Australian industry and researchers - OptoFab ACT

18 Oct 2022, 15:50


The Symposium will be held on the Australian National University campus, Canberra. The weather in October in Canberra is usually excellent.
Talk Joint/Plenary Topics General


Prof. Steve Madden (OptoFab ACT, ANU)


In this presetation I will introduce the Australian National Nanofabrication Facility on a general level, and then more specifically OptoFab ACT which is a recent new node formed around optical coatings,precision custom optical fabriction, and ultimately optical chips. I will present the current and upcoming capabilties and some exaamples of components and systems we have built.

Primary author

Prof. Steve Madden (OptoFab ACT, ANU)

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