4d Transition-Metal Substitution into magnetically frustrated A1B3Si2Sn7O16 structures (in session "Poster Session")
A high-performance and long-cycle-life spinel lithium-ion battery cathode achieved by site-selective doping (in session "Poster Session")
A structural and magnetic investigation of the skyrmion host material doped Cu2OSeO3 (in session "Poster Session")
ACNS SAMPLE ENVIRONMENT UPDATE (in session "Neutron Instruments & Techniques")
Advancements in the provision of Deuterated Lipids for Neutron applications from the National Deuteration Facility (in session "Biological Systems")
ANSTO’s National Deuteration Facility: Recent advancements and an overview on molecular deuteration capabilities for neutron applications. (in session "Neutron Instruments & Techniques")
Assisting polarized neutron experimentalists: Extracting magnetic depth profiles from ab-initio calculations (in session "Poster Session")
Atomistic modelling as a complementary tool for diffraction studies (in session "Chemistry & Crystallography")
Austenite formation kinetics from multicomponent cementite-ferrite aggregates by in situ neutron powder diffraction (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering Update (in session "AGM")
Biomedical Applications Of Model Membranes (in session "Poster Session")
Bottom-up fabrication of magnonic crystals utilizing polyoxometalates and block copolymers (in session "Poster Session")
Canted magnetism in modulated thin-film superlattices (in session "Poster Session")
Career Award 2020 (in session "Award Prize Session")
Cation order in mixed metal bismuth scheelite Bi3FeMo2O12 (in session "Chemistry & Crystallography")
Comparing inelastic neutron scattering with theory to understand the complex magnetic interactions in a low-dimensional frustrated magnet (in session "Magnetism & Condensed Matter")
Competitive specific ion effects: A neutron reflectometry study of thermoresponsive polymer brushes in mixed electrolytes (in session "Chemistry & Crystallography")
Composition and temperature dependent structural investigation of perovskite-type sodium-ion solid electrolyte series Na1/2-xLa1/2-xSr2xZrO3 (in session "Poster Session")
Crystal field interactions in the chiral compounds $RNi_3Ga_9$ (R = Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) studied by inelastic neutron scattering (in session "Poster Session")
Current high-pressure capabilities at ACNS and future plans (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Deciphering the quaternary structure of PEDOT:PSS solution by combining SAXS and SANS characterizations (in session "Poster Session")
Defect structure-property correlations in Li doped BaTiO3 (in session "Advanced Materials")
Development of Direct Laser Melting (DLM) deposition system for in-situ use on neutron beam instruments (in session "Poster Session")
Developments on the Platypus Neutron Reflectometer (in session "Poster Session")
Diffuse Scattering Studies from a Martensitic Fe-Pd Alloy (in session "Poster Session")
Disorder By Design: Long- and Short-Range Pyrochlore Ordering (in session "Poster Session")
Dynamics in soft matter systems probed by small-angle neutron scattering (in session "Award Prize Session")
Effect of molybdenum on the precipitation in ferritic niobium-containing steels produced by strip casting (in session "Advanced Materials")
Element Effects on High-Entropy Alloy Vacancy and Heterogeneous Lattice Distortion Subjected to Quasi-equilibrium Heating (in session "Poster Session")
Elucidation Of The Wave Function Of The Ground Doublet In A Tb Complex Using INS In A Magnetic Field (in session "Poster Session")
Exploring a Gallium-Tantalum Dual Doped Lithium Garnet (in session "Poster Session")
First extensive study of lanthanum manganite nanoparticles to target deadly brain cancer (in session "Biomedicine & Food Science")
Giant shifts of crystal field excitations with temperature as a consequence of internal magnetic exchange interactions (in session "Poster Session")
High-q, High Intensity Small Angle Neutron Scattering to Probe Formaldehyde-Methanol-Water Mixtures (in session "Poster Session")
Hyaluronic acid-poloxamer thermosensitive hydrogels studied by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) and rheology: from nanostructure to biomedical applications (in session "Biomedicine & Food Science")
Hydration mechanisms and lattice distortions in 6H-Ba4Ta2O9 (in session "Chemistry & Crystallography")
Hydrogels with tuneable dissipation for mechanotransduction studies (in session "Poster Session")
Hydrogen-Bonded Anion Clusters in Choline Phenylalaninate, an Unexpected Origin of Nanostructure in Biocompatible Ionic Liquid (in session "Chemistry & Crystallography")
Hydrohalite formation in frozen clay brines. (in session "Earth & Environment")
Imaging the invisible: resolving polymer brush structure through a freeform Bayesian analysis of neutron reflectometry data (in session "Poster Session")
In situ diagnostics and optimization of single crystal compound scintillator and semiconductor materials through energy-resolved neutron imaging (in session "Poster Session")
In situ Neutron Diffraction Study on Layered Oxides Na0.5Ni0.25Mn0.75O2 (in session "Poster Session")
Inelastic Neutron Scattering of Lanthanoid-Radical Molecular Nanomagnets (in session "Magnetism & Condensed Matter")
Influence of tempering and surface grinding on the residual stress of 415SS laser clad hypereutectoid rail components (in session "Poster Session")
Infrared catastrophe in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets: spectral damping without quasiparticle decay. (in session "Magnetism & Condensed Matter")
Insights into doped trirutiline structures gained through neutron diffraction (in session "Poster Session")
Investigating methods of minting Ancient Greek silver plated copper coins: studies in Neutron Tomography, Texture and Phase Analysis. (in session "Poster Session")
Investigating the Aqueous Swelling and Stability of Plasma Polymerised Acrylic Acid Films (in session "Advanced Materials")
Kinetic Analysis of Oil Exchange between Surfactant-Stabilized Emulsions Using Time- Resolved Small Angle Neutron Scattering (in session "Advanced Materials")
Koala, a versatile single-crystal diffractometer (in session "Poster Session")
Lead-free (Ag,K)NbO3 materials for high-performance energy conversion (in session "Poster Session")
Magnetic properties of the porous coordination polymer Ni3(OH)2(C4O4)2.3D2O (in session "Poster Session")
Magnetic Structure and Magnetocaloric Properties of LaMn2Ge2 (in session "Poster Session")
Mixed gamma/neutron field in-vivo dosimetry using Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor for Accelerator-Based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (in session "Biomedicine & Food Science")
Model membrane systems: Applications in ocular drug delivery and antimicrobial actions (in session "Biological Systems")
Morphological transitions in aqueous surface active ionic liquid influenced by additives investigated through SANS (in session "Advanced Materials")
Neutron Award 2020 (in session "Award Prize Session")
Neutron Imaging: benefits and Case Studies in Palaeontology and Cutlural Heritage (in session "Cultural Heritage")
Neutron Laue Diffraction - A spotted history, a scintillating future (in session "Poster Session")
Neutron scattering for quantum magnetism (in session "Plenary")
Neutron scattering for the study of casein gel microstructure during digestion (in session "Biomedicine & Food Science")
Neutron scattering study on materials with colossal barocaloric effects (in session "Magnetism & Condensed Matter")
Neutron scattering unravels the structure of tunable fibrin networks (in session "Poster Session")
Neutron Study of Magnetic Phase Transition in SrCoO3 Thin Films (in session "Poster Session")
Neutron techniques in Archaeometry (in session "Cultural Heritage")
New cell for studying porosity under mechanical and chemical stress (in session "Poster Session")
New insights into colloidal phase transitions using neutron scattering techniques (in session "Poster Session")
Observing the synthesis of a polymer brush, molecule by molecule (in session "Poster Session")
Oil-in-water emulsion system stabilized by emulsion droplets coated with whey protein microgels (in session "Biomedicine & Food Science")
Opportunities for Catalysis Studies using the Beryllium Filter Spectrometer (in session "Poster Session")
PELICAN –a Time of Flight Cold Neutron Spectrometer – New Capabilities (in session "Poster Session")
Polarised neutron capabilities at ACNS (in session "Poster Session")
Potential spectrometers for the hot neutron source at ACNS (in session "Neutron Instruments & Techniques")
Progress with Hot Commissioning and First User Experiments on the SPATZ Neutron Reflectometer (in session "Poster Session")
Protein deuteration extending structural characterisations by Small Angle Neutron Scattering with Contrast Variation (in session "Biological Systems")
QCM-D and Neutron Reflectometry Study of Effect of Plasma Tretament on Cellulose-Mucin Interactions Towards ETSA (in session "Poster Session")
Quokka, the Pinhole Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument at ANSTO (in session "Poster Session")
Recent highlights from the cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer SIKA (in session "Poster Session")
Recent scientific highlights from the Pelican user programme (in session "Poster Session")
refnx - The Next Generation of Reflectometry Analysis Software (in session "Poster Session")
Residual stress measurements for cultural heritage (in session "Cultural Heritage")
Resolving the DNA interaction of the MexR antibiotics resistance regulatory protein (in session "Biological Systems")
Role of A-site molecular ions dynamics in the polar functionality of perovskite metal-organic frameworks (in session "Chemistry & Crystallography")
SANS study of Silica Aerogel as Model Material for Rock (in session "Poster Session")
SANS time-of-flight instrument Bilby at ACNS, ANSTO (in session "Poster Session")
Scaling behaviour of the skyrmion phases of Cu2OSeO3 single crystals from small angle neutron scattering (in session "Poster Session")
Scientific computing support for neutron scattering experiments at ANSTO (in session "Poster Session")
Status, statistics, and recent research highlights from Echidna (in session "Poster Session")
Structural Insights into the Mechanism of Heat-Set Gel Formation of Polyisocyanopeptide Polymers (in session "Biomedicine & Food Science")
Student Award 2020 (in session "Award Prize Session")
Sub-3nm cobalt nanoparticles embedded in titania glass via ion implantation studied by polarised neutron reflectometry (in session "Magnetism & Condensed Matter")
Superconductor sandwiches (in session "Poster Session")
Synthesis and structure of ALaTiO4 and A2La2Ti3O10 (A = Na¬+, K+) Ruddlesden-Popper type photocatalysts (in session "Poster Session")
Synthesis of New Cuprate’s through High Pressure Chemical Vapour Transport (in session "Poster Session")
Synthesis-Controlled Polymorphism and Magnetic Properties of Li3Co2SbO6 (in session "Poster Session")
Taipan – recent results from the thermal spectrometer at ANSTO (in session "Poster Session")
TBAB semi-clathrates studied by Quasi Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) using Emu, the high resolution backscattering spectrometer at ANSTO (in session "Poster Session")
The ANSTO contribution to a project to provide experimental standards for SAS profile prediction (in session "Poster Session")
The effects of Bi addition on the mechanical properties of eutectic Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solder alloy (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Thermal and Mechanical Analyses of Dental Composites for Class II Cavity Restoration in a Molar Tooth: A Finite Element Study (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Topological barrier for skyrmion lattice formation in MnSi (in session "Poster Session")
Tracking the diffusion of hydrogen rich liquids in shale rocks (in session "Earth & Environment")
Trindex - 3D Grain Mapping with Neutron Imaging (in session "Neutron Instruments & Techniques")
Understanding disorder in the Y2Sn2-xZrxO7 pyrochlore oxides (in session "Poster Session")
Understanding Energy Materials Function: Neutron Diffraction of Materials Not at Equilibrium (in session "Award Prize Session")
Understanding the structural disorder of (AgxCu1-x)2ZnSnSe4 based Kesterite semiconductor by neutron diffraction study. (in session "Poster Session")
Upgrades to the Kowari sample positioning system (in session "Poster Session")
Water dynamics in minerals on the surface of Mars (in session "Earth & Environment")
Wombat – the high intensity diffractometer at OPAL (in session "Poster Session")
Young Scientist 2020 (in session "Award Prize Session")
‘One layer at a time’: Unlocking Novel Materials and Structures for Neutron Radiation Environments through Additive Manufacturing (in session "Manufacturing & Engineering")
Include materials from selected contributions