Massey de los Reyes
(South Australian Environment Protection Authoirty)
On the 19th of March 2015, the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission (NFCRC) was established by the South Australian Government, and tasked to undertake an independent examination into the opportunities and risks for South Australia’s further involvement in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle. This presentation will review the process, findings and recommendations delivered by the NFCRC, with particular emphasis on the proposed opportunity for the storage and disposal of international high-level and intermediate-level waste in South Australia and the potential value-add that this could provide on a global scale.
Outcomes of the State-wide 'KnowNuclear' community consultation program will also be discussed, as well as the possible next steps needed in advancing the South Australian multinational repository concept forward.
Primary author
Massey de los Reyes
(South Australian Environment Protection Authoirty)
Ashok Kaniyal