Opening day
Submission deadline
- Abstract Submitted should be a maximum of 150 words
- Abstract should be original work
- All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use
- Abstract should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar
- Once accepted all presenters must register and pay to attend the conference
- National and international collaborative waste management programs
- Repositories and National programs (design, operation, requirements, licensing)
- Performance Assessment and geological disposal
- Radionuclide solubility, speciation, sorption and migration.
- Novel techniques in waste-form development (including glass, ceramic, metallic, and composite waste forms)
- Modelling (Performance assessment, safety cases, durability, radiation damage)
- Partitioning, transmutation and waste management for future systems
- High Level Wastes and Spent Fuel (durability, ceramics and glasses)
- Low- and intermediate-level wastes
- Corrosion studies of zircaloy, container and carbon steel
- Decommissioning
- Methods of processing challenging waste constituents
- Transport and storage containers
- Waste treatment for wastes from medical isotope production