Additive manufacturing of a wavelength shifting fibres (WLSF) based detector element: IMAT diffraction detector array. (in session "Session B")
Additive Manufacturing Of Collimators From Neutron Absorbing Material (in session "Session C")
Air cushion: Pads and floors experiences (in session "Session D")
ANSTO OPAL Reactor CNS Replacement (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Beam-stop Changer Device (in session "Session C")
Challenge 1 m² neutron detector (in session "Session B")
Commissioning of a shearing machine for soft matter samples (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Current State of Japanese Engineering Diffractometer, RESA-1 (in session "Session C")
Design and Manufacturing Characteristics That Effect Accuracy and Repeatability of Worm and Wormwheel Rotation Stages (in session "Session D")
Design of Factory Acceptance Testing of slit assemblies for Neutron Reflectometry (in session "Session D")
Design Stage Divergent Neutron Beams (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Detector bank upgrade of the Necsa neutron powder diffractometer (in session "Session B")
Development of accelerator-driven compact neutron source for non-destructive inspection of infrastructure constructs. (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Development of an argon box for stable beam collimation on MARIA instrument at the JCNS (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
ESS Instrument Controls (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Event Horizon, an exploration of the future of neutron scattering research facilities. (in session "Plenary 3")
Fan chopper for chopper spectrometers at long pulse neutron sources (in session "Session E")
How 50 years with HIFAR shaped the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (in session "Plenary 1")
HOW TO SETUP A COMPLEX SAMPLE BY LASERS (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Identifying and Resolving Shielding Issues (in session "Session F")
In-Kind Instrument Projects – Gathering Experience by building an R&D guide-section. (in session "Session F")
ISIS Mechatronics challenges and success undertaken in the last year (in session "Session D")
Leveraging existing IT condition monitoring systems to keep track of the health of networked industrial devices and their processes. (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Maintaining and calibrating your equipment - what methodolgies and systems exist? (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Manufacturability of Neutron Beam Monochromator Drum Shielding (in session "Session F")
Mechanical design of 10B based technology neutron detectors (in session "Session B")
Mechanical Design of ANDES: a multi-purpose neutron diffractometer for the RA10 (in session "Session E")
Mechanical testing of the RAMPA Type B Inserts when used in Pb99.94cU Lead shielding (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Motion Control Future at the STFC ISIS Facility (in session "Session D")
Neutron Chopper Vibration Analysis (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
OPAL - Thermal Neutron Guides TNG1 adn TNG3 Replacement (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Present Status of University-owned Neutron Beam Instruments at JRR-3 (in session "Session G")
Progress Status of New T0 Chopper System at J-PARC MLF (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Project execution by ZEA-1and lessons learned of implementing the project phases at HEiDi and other neutron scattering instruments (in session "Session A")
Readout of the MWPC detector at the neutron reflectometer MARIA based on TANGO and the GPX TDC ASIC (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Recent enhancements and performance gains from upgrades to ANSTO’s thermal neutron instrument TAIPAN and the triple-axis and Be-filter spectrometers (in session "Session A")
Redesign of Monochromator Shielding of Cold Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer at HANARO (in session "Session F")
Remote handling implementation at ESS (in session "Session G")
Safety Interlock System and User Interfaces (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Sample Environment Equipment for use on Neutron Instruments (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Spallation Neutron Source Second Target Station Conceptual Design (in session "Session E")
Status of Neutron Scattering Facilities at HANARO (in session "Session G")
Systems Engineering Analysis of the Science Productivity Program for Instrument Improvement Projects (in session "Session A")
Target development of the accelerator driven High Brilliance neutron Source (HBS) (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
The next 50 years of neutron scattering – a brave attempt at extrapolating current trends way beyond their reasonable validity. (in session "Plenary 2")
The Powersupply system of the Neutron Spin-Echo Spectrometer at the FRM-II (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
The status of CSNS neutron choppers development (in session "Session E")
The Upgrade of the Neutron Spin-Echo Spectrometer at the FRM-II (Poster) (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Update of the transfer of the BioRef (SPATZ) Reflectometer from HZB to ANSTO (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Upgrade of the Necsa neutron radiography instrument (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
Variable collimation snout for Quokka (Small angle instrument) (in session "Nibblies - Poster, Sponsors DENIM Challenge")
“Bilby” collimator vessel, design considerations & solutions. (in session "Session C")
Include materials from selected contributions