IC-CoP: Talks
- Andrew Starritt (Australian Synchrotron)
IC-CoP: Talks
- Peter Linardakis (Australian National University)
This talk will outline steps that are being taken at the ANSTO Centre for Accelerator Science (CAS) to renew and restructure our ageing network and computer systems assets. This process is aimed at modernisation of CAS IT and OT infrastructure to facilitate more efficient collection, storage and processing of electronic data, providing staff and customers with greater overall system...
The ANU 2.3m telescope was originally built in the early 80's. Usage has evolved from observers on-site pushing buttons to remote operation with GUI interfaces for plant and instrument control, and now fully autonomous operation. The hardware of the telescope and instrument control systems has remained largely unchanged but software control systems have changed substantially. This is a brief...
The current control system is based on an Ubuntu 12 (32 bit) server and EPICS version 3.14.11-dirty. The server provides EPICS IOC's to four VME crates and a few arm based IOC's via tftp boot. All IOC's run the same iocApp with different st.cmd and data base files to form the accelerator control system. In addition all control terminals are thick clients booting from the Ubuntu 12 server,...
This talk will describe the design and development of a control system for precise positioning of 4-way slits to be installed at the low energy end of the ANTARES accelerator at the ASTO Centre for Accelerator Science (CAS). The talk will cover the rationale, process and challenges faced in creating and implementing this in house design exercise. Topics covered include Stepper motors, drive...
Powerbrick has been selected as the preferred motion controller at Austraian Synchrotron. However it has become mandatory to apply site acceptance test (SAT) due to the quality issues found on received units. System level automatic testing significantly reduced the time consumption from hours to minutes. It is also ideal for field testing on the deployed units.
The ANTARES 10MV accelerator at ANSTO was originally built in the 1960’s. The terminal was upgraded in the 1990s and early 2000s. It was very basic in operation due to the harsh operating environment and technological limitations at the time. Technology and user requirements have changed significantly since then and a need was identified to increase the capabilities. This presentation...
ANTARES AMS Data Acquisition System (DAQ) is built up in the early time of 90’s. The system includes detector, pre-Amplify, CAMAC electronics system, and VME frame with Motorola MVME CPU processor plus CEAN scaler board and ADC pulse process board. The system employs OS/9 operator system that were developed by Microware for MVME CPU processor. A Linux machine is connected to MVME CPU board via...
The accelerator and support infra-structure at the Australian Synchrotron has over 220 different EPICS IOCs, gateways, archivers and operator interfaces items
that need to be built and maintained.
This presentation will give an over view of the tools involved, the methodology,
and the advantages and disadvantages of the system.
Australian Synchrotron has a standardised motion system architecture based on pmac motion controllers and epics pmac support software stack, which is developed based on dls pmac driver.
To address current and future expansion requirements, we have drawn a concept to extend our existing platform to connect Motor Drivers, Encoders and IO terminals to the pmac controllers using CAN Over EtherCat...