A structural and functional investigation of the periplasmic arsenate-binding protein, ArrX from Chrysiogenes arsenatis (in session "Session 1 - Biomedicine & Health")
A Vδ3+ subset of MR1 reactive γδ T cells recognise the side of the MR1 molecule (in session "Session 4 - Biomedicine & Health")
Adventures in Biomedical Research Through Synchrotron Science (in session "Plenary 3: Australian Synchrotron Lifetime Contribution Award: Prof Peter Lay")
An investigation of the T cell response against viruses through a structural lens (in session "Session 14 - Life Science and Structural Biology")
Assessment of bone microarchitecture and mineralisation changes in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease using high-resolution synchrotron-based microCT (in session "Session 4 - Biomedicine & Health")
Capturing lung health in animal models of ventilator-induced lung injury and cystic fibrosis using 4D X-ray imaging (in session "Session 4 - Biomedicine & Health")
Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 peptides presented by Human Leukocyte Antigen molecules (in session "Session 7 - Biomedicine & Health")
Chemical Crystallography at the Australian Synchrotron Macromolecular Beamlines (in session "Session 5 - Advanced Materials & Hard Matter")
Complex fluids and simple experiments - What could we do? (in session "Session 13 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
COVID-19 Research at the MX Beamlines (in session "Session 14 - Life Science and Structural Biology")
Cubosomes for the Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals (in session "Session 10 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Data evaluation on the fly: Auto-Rickshaw at the MX beamlines of the Australian Synchrotron (in session "Session 11 - Advanced Materials and Hard Matter")
Developing High Pressure Single Crystal Crystallography at MX (in session "Session 5 - Advanced Materials & Hard Matter")
Dual sample analysis on the XFM beamline: a new approach to increase the throughput of analysis of large samples (in session "Session 9 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Effect of Emulsifier Type on Interfacial Crystallisation (in session "Session 13 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Effect of surfactant ionicity on critical micelle concentration in aqueous ionic liquid mixtures (in session "Session 6 - Chemistry, Catalysis & Soft Matter")
Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction for In-Situ and Operando Characterization of Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems (in session "Session 11 - Advanced Materials and Hard Matter")
Experiments on the high-flux BioSAXS beamline: opportunities for dynamic studies of soft matter systems and advanced materials (in session "Session 13 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Fast-scanning X-ray Diffraction Microscopy (SXDM) at the XFM beamline (in session "Session 9 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Fluctuation x-ray scattering of self-assembled lipids, colloidal particles and liquids (in session "Session 10 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Full-field tomography with scattered X-rays (in session "Session 15 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Further insights into the effect of pH on the fluorescence and structure of green fluorescent protein (GFP) (in session "Session 15 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Highly Active Gas Phase Organometallic Catalysis Supported Within Metal-organic Framework Pores (in session "Session 8 - Advanced Materials and Hard Matter")
Internal liquid crystal structures in nanocarriers containing drug hydrophobic ion pairs dictate drug release (in session "Session 13 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Investigation of a 3D-crosslinked nonconjugated Radical Polymer to Tune Electrical Conductivity (in session "Session 5 - Advanced Materials & Hard Matter")
Jumping molecular crystals: the role of molecular vibrations (in session "Session 15 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Latest developments and capabilities at the Infrared Microspectroscopy Beamline (in session "Session 12 - Earth, Atmosphere and Environment")
Light on the details: exploring the nano-silver behaviour at the plant-soil interface (in session "Session 3 - Earth, Atmosphere & Environment")
Macrocyclic peptides as the novel chemical probes for modulating the function of the Retromer endosomal trafficking complex (in session "Session 15 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Materials And Interfacial Design For Advanced Potassium Ion Storage (in session "Session 11 - Advanced Materials and Hard Matter")
Mechanistic insights into functional Electrocatalysis from XAS: the story from Experimental Design to Insights into Electron Transfer Timescales important for Selectivity. (in session "Session 8 - Advanced Materials and Hard Matter")
Metal Nanoparticle Radiosensitization for Improving Radiotherapy (in session "Session 7 - Biomedicine & Health")
Micro-Computed Tomography (MCT): A BRIGHT new beamline at ANSTO/Australian Synchrotron (in session "Session 12 - Earth, Atmosphere and Environment")
Molecular insights into the specificity and potency of metabolite-mediated T-cell immunity (in session "Session 7 - Biomedicine & Health")
Molecular Interplay between SARS-CoV-2 and Human proteins for viral activation and entry, potential drugs and scope of new therapeutics (in session "Session 14 - Life Science and Structural Biology")
New insights into the self-assembly of amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol-b-caprolactone) diblock copolymers in aqueous solution (in session "Session 13 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Non-invasive imaging of hydraulic function in leaves, stems and roots (in session "Session 12 - Earth, Atmosphere and Environment")
Opening and Organisational Update
Peering into Batteries: Electrochemical Insight through Operando Methods (in session "Plenary 1: Prof. Esther Takeuchi, Stony Brook University")
Phase-contrast tomography for breast cancer imaging at Imaging and Medical Beamline of the Australian Synchrotron (in session "Session 4 - Biomedicine & Health")
Probing phase transitions of metal-organic frameworks by THz/Far-IR (in session "Session 8 - Advanced Materials and Hard Matter")
Probing the cell wall response of Sphagnum moss to a changing aqueous chemical environment. A synchrotron infrared microscopy study. (in session "Session 3 - Earth, Atmosphere & Environment")
Protein-Lipid interactions and protein structures in multi-component systems (in session "Session 10 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Pulling Milk Lipids Apart and Putting Them Back Together Again – A Self-assembly Approach (in session "Session 10 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Quantification of Material Gradients in Nanocrystals (in session "Session 2 - Advanced Materials & Hard Matter")
Quantitative Determination of Protein Solubility in Ionic Liquids (in session "Session 6 - Chemistry, Catalysis & Soft Matter")
Resonant Tender X-ray Diffraction for Disclosing the Molecular Packing of Paracrystalline Conjugated Polymer Films (in session "Session 2 - Advanced Materials & Hard Matter")
Separating Macro- and Nano-structural Effects in Intensity Correlation Measurements of Self-assembled Lipid Materials (in session "Session 10 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
Soft x-ray studies of molecular nanoarchitectures (in session "Session 2 - Advanced Materials & Hard Matter")
Soil carbon research from past, present and future using synchrotron-based techniques (in session "Session 12 - Earth, Atmosphere and Environment")
Solvent properties of protic ionic liquid-water mixtures, and their application to biological molecules (in session "Session 6 - Chemistry, Catalysis & Soft Matter")
Spectroscopic Studies of Brain Zinc Homeostasis and Its Role During Cognitive Decline and Ageing (in session "Session 1 - Biomedicine & Health")
Structural characterisation of mitochondrial complex IV assembly factors (in session "Session 14 - Life Science and Structural Biology")
Structural plasticity between homo and heterodimeric IRF4-DNA Interactions (in session "Session 14 - Life Science and Structural Biology")
Structural studies of G protein-coupled receptors – implications for drug discovery (in session "Session 14 - Life Science and Structural Biology")
Synchrotron macro ATR-FTIR: where we are and what's next for live-cell measurement (in session "Session 15 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy for metal-ion battery material studies (in session "Plenary 4: Australian Synchrotron Research Award: Dr Wei Kong Pang")
The effect of surfactant type on the secondary crystallisation of milk fat at the oil-water interface (in session "Session 13 - Chemistry, Catalysis and Soft Matter")
The Evolution of Electronic Complexity in Biology: 2p3d and 1s3p RIXS of Iron-Sulfur Clusters (in session "Plenary 2: Prof. Serena DeBeer, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion")
The Structure and Air Stability of Calcium and Magnesium Intercalated Graphene on 6H-SiC(0001) (in session "Session 2 - Advanced Materials & Hard Matter")
The use of synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy to study the “battle for nutrients” between plant and pathogen (in session "Session 3 - Earth, Atmosphere & Environment")
Towards Personalized Microbeam Radiation Therapy for Brain Cancer Treatment (in session "Session 1 - Biomedicine & Health")
Trace element distributions in Al-Zn based coating alloys on steel substrates investigated by synchrotron XFM (in session "Session 9 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Tracks, Pores, Cylinders and Cones: SAXS as a tool to study high-energy ion modified materials (in session "Session 6 - Chemistry, Catalysis & Soft Matter")
Understanding the Mechanisms Bending in Flexible Crystals (in session "Session 5 - Advanced Materials & Hard Matter")
Using Synchrotron Sourced Microscopy to Explore Fingermark Chemistry (in session "Session 15 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Cultural Heritage")
Using the Pair Angle Distribution Function for Analysing Protein Structure. (in session "Session 11 - Advanced Materials and Hard Matter")
Visualisation of the rapid Cu6Sn5 lithium-ion battery anode fabrication process via real-time X-ray imaging (in session "Session 11 - Advanced Materials and Hard Matter")
XFM analysis of marsupial teeth - insights into life, growth and reproduction (in session "Session 3 - Earth, Atmosphere & Environment")
“Wax On – Wax Off” Using Infrared Reflectance for minimally invasive in vivo monitoring of changes in leaf epicuticular waxes (in session "Session 12 - Earth, Atmosphere and Environment")
Include materials from selected contributions