Future Light Source Virtual Symposium

Virtual Event

Around the world, new and upgraded synchrotron facilities are transitioning to 4th Generation Light Source technology. While the Australian Synchrotron based in Melbourne has been operational since 2007, is currently expanding its suite of operational beamlines and has many more years of operations ahead, this webinar-based workshop will explore the capabilities and scientific drivers of a future 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Source for Australia.

A key part of this workshop will include breakout discussions relating to new science and synchrotron techniques to be developed and deployed at a future Australian Synchrotron Light Source. Breakout rooms will be facilitated by ANSTO staff to encourage thought sharing and information gathering. Please come prepared with ideas and contributions for these discussions (maximum of 3 Powerpoint slides per person).

Outputs from this workshop will form the basis for further community engagement in the development of a science-based business case for this future Australian Light Source.

We look forward to your participation in this important workshop as part of building the scientific and research infrastructure of tomorrow.