2-3 December 2019
Australia/Sydney timezone

Solving industry problems using neutrons - 5 years of the Industrial Liaison Office at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering

2 Dec 2019, 14:35


18 Wally Way
Oral Engineering, industry and innovation Session 4


Anna Paradowska (ANSTO)


The OPAL research reactor at ANSTO has several instruments available for materials science and engineering applications. The instruments have a unique non-destructive ability to assist academia and industry in solving industry relevant problems. The role of the Industrial Liaison Office (ILO) at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS) focuses on connecting and advocating ACNS innovation and expertise with external collaborators and clients. The goal of ILO ACNS is to support Australian and global industry through building long-term collaborations and partnerships with universities, other research organisations, and businesses. Our portfolio includes developing commercial and scientific research programs that utilize neutron technology to support Australian and global industry.
Those neutron measurements can be carried out on real engineering components, or test samples with minimal preparation. This information provides direct impact into optimization of modern manufacturing processes, improved product reliability, enhanced design performance, reduced production cost, and extended life of significant engineering assets (e.g. power-station utilities, gas pipelines, aircrafts, trains, etc.).
This presentation will celebrate achievements an of the ACNS team over the last five years of operation and show case how you can use neutron instrument to solve material and engineering problems to assist industry in solving modern challenges.

Level of Expertise Experienced Researcher
Do yo wish to take part in the poster slam No
Speakers Gender Female
Travel Funding No

Primary author

Anna Paradowska (ANSTO)

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