We welcome all members of the planetary science and technology community to attend the 2019 Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) workshop, hosted by Monash University. The SSERVI Australia node aims to strengthen national planetary research and extend collaborations with the international community through SSERVI and NASA.
Please submit an abstract with your registration on your current/most exciting research, and indicate whether or not you would like to present a standard conference talk (10 minutes, 5 minutes for Q&A). We highly encourage all researchers and students to present, and there will be a prize for best student talk.
Registration is $30 AU, payable here.
Lunch and refreshments are provided.
Invited speakers: Mike Zolensky, Lucy Forman, Australian Space Agency
Meteorite Hunting Workshop
Each year, the Monash University research team heads out to the Nullarbor to collect meteorites for study, and now has a collection of almost 300 meteorites. A short workshop on how we identify meteorites in the field - from finding one small fragment that leads to a total weight of over 5 kg, to some very weird and unusual meteorites that defy easy identification - will be run during the conference using samples collected over the previous years. This is a good chance to speak to our field experts about how the Monash research team collects samples, and to have a good rummage through the collection.
Please note that places are limited to approximately 40 people, and is on a first come first serve basis.