25-26 September 2019
Australian Synchrotron
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Modelling planet formation

Not scheduled
Australian Synchrotron

Australian Synchrotron

800 Blackburn Road, Clayton, VIC 3168


I will discuss our attempts to understand recent imaging of protoplanetary discs taken with the ALMA telescope with 3D modelling. We now have direct evidence for large (2-3 times the mass of Jupiter) planets formed within 1-2 Myr after the birth of the star. We stand at the edge of a hugely exciting discovery space in this area, with new observations giving very direct evidence for newborn planets. I will also discuss new perspectives on protoplanetary discs -- namely that they are not "protoplanetary" at all, but rather "planet hosting".

Primary author

Christophe Pinte (Monash University)

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