2-5 February 2016
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Incommensurate magnetic order in PrNiAl$_4$

Not scheduled


Mr Reyner White (UNSW Canberra)


The *R*NiAl$_4$ intermetallic series (where *R* = Ln$^{3+}$) has been the subject of much investigation over a number of years. These compounds are known to possess some interesting magnetic behaviours including multiple magnetic phases and metamagnetism. TbNiAl$_4$, ErNiAl$_4$ and NdNiAl$_4$ are all known to have incommensurate magnetic structures determined from neutron diffraction[1-3], whereas the presence of an incommensurate magnetic phase in PrNiAl$_4$ is more tentative, based only on specific heat and magnetisation measurements[4]. Recent neutron powder diffraction experiments have confirmed the presence of this incommensurate magnetic phase at 7 K and 7.5 K, well within the range of 6.9-8.1 K predicted by the specific heat data. Analysis of the diffraction patterns puts the propagation vector of the magnetic phase at ***k*** = (0.071(1), 1, 0), with the magnetic moments pointing along the *a*-axis. [1] Hutchison W D, Goossens D J, Nishimura K, Mori K, Isikawa Y and Studer A J 2006 *Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials* **301** 352-8 [2] Hutchison W D, Goossens D J, Saensunon B, Stewart G A, Avdeev M and Nishimura K 2007 *31st Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, (Wagga Wagga)* Vol. 1 (Australian Institute of Physics) [3] Mizushima T, Isikawa Y, Sakurai J, Mori K, Fukuhara T, Maezawa K, Schweizer J and Ressouche E 1994 *Physica B* **194** 225-6 [4] Nishimura K, Yasukawa T, Mori K, Isikawa Y, Hutchison W D and Chaplin D H *2003 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics* **42** 5565-70

Primary author

Mr Reyner White (UNSW Canberra)


Prof. Katsuhiko Nishimura (University of Toyama) Dr Maxim Avdeev (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) Dr Wayne Hutchison (The University of New South Wales)

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