ANSTO - HZB Neutron Training Course 2024



New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights NSW 2234
Anton Le Brun (ANSTO)

The Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB) are pleased to announce another instalment of the ANSTO – HZB Neutron Training Course to be held in 2024. This follows the first successful joint school in 2019 and the long tradition of neutron schools being held in Berlin.

The aim of the training course is to provide a broad overview of neutron scattering theory and applications to demonstrate the utility of the technique to a wide range of sciences. The course will consist of lectures and practical sessions using the neutron beam instruments of the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS). Subjects covered include basic theory, instrumentation, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, deuteration, crystallography and diffraction, imaging, residual stress and strain scanning, inelastic scattering, quasi-elastic scattering, and polarised neutrons. There will also be a demonstration of sample environment equipment and a tutorial on writing proposals. New, for this year, the training course is offering a practical option in computational analysis (an introduction to DFT calculation with Quantum Espresso). Participants will also have the opportunity to present their work to course participants as well as ANSTO and HZB staff in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere at the training course poster session.        

The school is particularly suited to those who are new to neutron scattering and is aimed at students (Honours, Masters, PhD) and early career researchers. Those encourage to apply are studying in the areas of:

Study Areas



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