MX Chemical Crystallography workshop 2023

Australian Synchrotron

Australian Synchrotron

Helen Brand (Australian Synchrotron), Rosie Young (Australian Synchrotron), Stephanie Boer (Australian Synchrotron)

In addition to the New User Symposium, the chemical crystallographers of the MX team will be running a free 1.5 day workshop. This will cover the basics of using the MX beamlines for collecting, processing, and publishing single crystal chemical crystallography data. We will also cover some of the new developments on the beamlines such as cold mounting, high pressure crystallography and photochemistry, and a hands on tutorial about the use of the CXASAP software suite. 

Please also register for the Australian Synchrotron New User's Symposium when registrations open (free and online).  

Cost: Free

Inclusions: Dinner, lunch, morning and afternoon tea. Free accommodation at the Synchrotron guesthouse is available for students from interstate or Geelong (see registration form).  

Travel: Maslen Scholarships for travel are available for SCANZ members. Please apply by emailing for the application form. If you are not a member, think about joining! It only costs $30/3yrs for students and there are many benefits.  

In-person workshop places are limited to 30 people. 

Registrations close 18th Oct 2023 or when places are filled.

Workshop resources will be added to the website in the near future. 

Rosemary Young or Stephanie Boer
  • Tuesday, 31 October
    • 15:30 17:30
      Welcome and AS computing 2h NCSS Seminar Room

      NCSS Seminar Room

      Australian Synchrotron

      Introduction to the software and user interfaces at the MX beamlines. Data collection strategies and data processing statistics will also be covered

    • 17:30 18:00
      Optional - software installation troubleshooting 30m NCSS Seminar Room ()

      NCSS Seminar Room

      If you need help installing CX-ASAP, shredcif, Platon, SHELX, python or other crystallography software before the hands-on exercises on Wed.

    • 18:00 19:30
      Dinner 1h 30m
  • Wednesday, 1 November
    • 09:00 10:15
      Beamline demonstrations 1h 15m MX1/MX2


      Australian Synchrotron

      Students will be shown the basics of using the MX beamlines including troubleshooting common problems.

    • 10:15 10:30
      Coffee break 15m
    • 10:30 13:00
      Advanced beamline techniques 2h 30m MX1/MX2


      Australian Synchrotron

      High pressure, LEDs, cold mounting, freezing crystals, other advanced use of the beamlines

    • 10:30 13:00
      CX-ASAP tutorial 2h 30m Conference room 3

      Conference room 3

      Australian Synchrotron

    • 13:00 13:45
      Lunch 45m
    • 13:45 15:30
      Advanced beamline techniques 1h 45m MX1/MX2


      Australian Synchrotron

    • 13:45 15:30
      CX-ASAP tutorial 1h 45m Conference rooms 2 & 3

      Conference rooms 2 & 3

      Australian Synchrotron

    • 15:30 15:45
      Afternoon tea 15m
    • 15:45 17:00
      Beamline development interactive session 1h 15m Conference rooms 2 & 3

      Conference rooms 2 & 3

      Australian Synchrotron

      What do you want to see on the beamline? What could we do better?

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