New User Symposium 2023

Online Event

Online Event

Helen Brand (Australian Synchrotron)

The New User Symposium offers an introduction to the capabilities offered at the Australian Synchrotron. The bi-annual one-day event is tailored to novice potential Users of these techniques, and is to be held this year online.

Aspects of the event include access arrangements, including available support, and some of the typical applications of techniques across biomedical research, materials and physical sciences and environmental fields.

It has been timed to allow online attendance from interested Users from time zones from Singapore to New Zealand.

Techniques highlighted include:

•              Diffraction

•              Protein Crystallography and Structural Biology

•              Microscopy: Infrared, THz/Far-Infrared, X-ray fluorescence

•              Spectroscopy

•              X-Ray Imaging

•              Small Angle X-Ray Scattering

These methods encompass a huge range of research areas: Biosciences and Health, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Physics, Advanced Materials, Agriculture and Food Processing, Engineering and Manufacturing, Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, Energy and Sustainability Science.

There will be opportunities to ask questions of beamline, user office, lab, scientific computing staff.

There will be a unique opportunity to hear from AINSE about funding opportunities for students and early-career researchers. 

Tracy Dangerfield, Marketing and Events Coordinator