1-2 December 2022
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Effects of terahertz (THz) radiation on live cells

Not scheduled


800 Blackburn Road, Clayton
Poster Life Science & Structural Biology Poster


Palalle Gamaarachchige Tharushi Perera (Swinburne University of Technology) The Hong Phong Peter Nguyen (RMIT University)


The effects of terahertz (THz) radiation on biological systems is the subject of ongoing investigation, particularly in light of the increasing frequencies being employed in 5G and beyond technololgies. The THz/Far-IR Beamline is ideally suited to explore possible non-thermal effects. The beamline output is stable over many days with an intensity of approx. 1 μW/cm. This level of incident power density is insufficient to lead to a significant temperature rise, but intense enough to investigate non-thermal changes in biological systems. The beamline ranges from under 1 THz to over 20 THz, and nature of the beam is complex. In addition, the absorption properties of water and water based compounds varies by a factor of 5 over this frequency range, thus the assessment of the possible causes of the effects is challenging, and more work needs to be done to clarify the matter. We developed an experimental set up to achieve accurate estimation of the amount of absorbed energy when using diverse cell types. Our approach is applicable to study a diverse range of the biological material such as bacterial cells, bacterial spores, eukaryotic cell lines and tissues without compromising cell viability.

Level of Expertise Early Career <5 years
Terms and conditions (Please confirm that you have read all the requirements and agree to the conditions) Yes
Presenter Gender Rather not state
Do you intend to attend UM2022 Unsure at this stage

Primary authors

Zoltan Vilagosh (Swinburne University of Technology) Dom Appadoo (Australian Synchrotron) Palalle Gamaarachchige Tharushi Perera (Swinburne University of Technology) The Hong Phong Peter Nguyen (RMIT University) Prof. Rodney Croft (University of Wollongong) Elena Ivanova (Swinburne Univeristy of Technology)

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