1-2 December 2022
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Uncovering mechanisms of viral protein multifunctionality using a hybrid structural biology approach

Not scheduled


800 Blackburn Road, Clayton
Poster Life Science & Structural Biology Poster


Ashish Sethi (ANSTO, Clayton)


Viruses form extensive interfaces with host proteins to modulate host biology. The interfaces are typically formed by multifunctional viral proteins with diverse arrays of cellular proteins and are conventionally viewed as discrete protein-protein complexes. However, the sheer size/complexity of the interactomes challenges this view. Here, we aim to use an array of structural biology techniques such as SAXS, NMR and Mass spectrometry, with a focus on the lyssavirus proteins to uncover those fundamental mechanisms underlying protein multifunctionality and decipher the mechanism of host immune evasion. This should provide significant benefits in identifying new strategies for treating viral infections, but also enhance the development of multidisciplinary approaches to solve complex biological problems involving intrinsically disordered proteins.

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Presenter Gender Man
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Level of Expertise Experience Researcher
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Primary author

Ashish Sethi (ANSTO, Clayton)

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