1-2 December 2022
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Dynamic 3D imaging of lung response to mechanical ventilation to provide optimal ventilation strategies

Not scheduled


800 Blackburn Road, Clayton
Poster Biomedicine & Health Poster


Kaye Morgan (Monash University)


Computed tomography (CT) is unique in that it can provide imaging of regional lung function in a non-invasive manner. This can be combined with phase contrast x-ray imaging (PCXI) which creates high contrast x-ray lung images to provide dynamic 3D full lung x-ray images. From these images we can use 4D x-ray velocimetry (4DXV) to produce measures of regional lung ventilation. Our goal is to use these techniques to measure the spatial and temporal response across the lungs to mechanical ventilation, particularly high peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) and low positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), which have been postulated to contribute to mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We have also been able to use the aforementioned techniques to provide measures of heterogeneity in response to mechanical ventilation across the lungs. We hope to use this data to minimise ventilator-induced lung injury by providing optimal ventilation strategies for ARDS patients.

Level of Expertise Early Career <5 years
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Primary author

Mr David Trevascus (Monash University)


Melissa Preissner (Monash University) Yong Song (University of Tasmania) Martin Donnelley (University of Adelaide) Ella Smalley (University of Tasmania) Kaye Morgan (Monash University) Graeme Zosky (University of Tasmania) Stephen Dubsky (Monash University)

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