Márcio Paduan Donadio
18/10/2015, 09:30
Experiment Control
Py4Syn is an open-source Python-based library for data acquisition,
device manipulation, scan routines and other helper functions, created
by LNLS staff. It offers high customization level for scans and data
output, covering distinct techniques and facilities.
Sinisa Veseli
(Argonne National Laboratory)
18/10/2015, 10:10
As the number of sites deploying and adopting EPICS Version 4 grows, so does the need to support PV Access from multiple languages. Especially important are the widely used scripting languages that tend to reduce both software development time and the learning curve for new users. In this paper we describe PvaPy, a Python API for the EPICS PV Access protocol and its accompanying structured...
Jameson Rollins
(California Institute of Technology)
18/10/2015, 11:00
The Advanced LIGO project has developed a new automation platform to handle the complicated automation needs of their newly upgraded detectors. Written entirely in Python and using EPICS for all communications, the platform, called Guardian, consists of a hierarchy of distributed state-machine automaton processes. Each automaton controls a particular sub-domain of the instrument, with the...
Heinz Junkes
(Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)
18/10/2015, 11:20
We run the Epics Archiver Appliance ( ) at the Fritz-Haber-Institut. The appliance runs right now as a cluster on two server systems.
The servers are connected to different networks to collect all EPICS-PV-data from different experiments distributed in the whole institute.
As long time storage (LTS) a storage gateway (StrongBox) is used to enable...
Andreas Moll
(Australian Synchrotron)
18/10/2015, 11:40
Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) gateways allow the (read-only) access of almost all of the process variables (PVs) available at the Australian Synchrotron from almost any network. An EPICS gateway is both a Channel Access server and a Channel Access client. Users connect to the server side, and the client side connects to Input Output Controllers (IOCs) as well as...
Craig Haskins
18/10/2015, 12:00
Low-level Controls
The development of the 2nd generation ASKAP hardware and software introduced several enhancements to the EPICS 3.14 based Telescope Monitoring and Control System. We review the use of database & code generation tools, composite IOCs for creating a control and monitoring point hierarchy and the use of summary records for aggregating health information.
Mark Clift
(Australian Synchrotron)
18/10/2015, 13:30
Low-level Controls
A new Asyn based model 3 EPICS driver for Galil products has been written. The software connects EPICS to all products in the Galil range, resulting in an easy way to implement beamline and other synchrotron control equipment. High bandwidth updates using UDP is supported enabling high performance analog and digital IO. Standard motor record point to point motion is supported as well as a...
Simon Ebner
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
18/10/2015, 14:10
To simplify and speed up the development of Java Channel Access clients PSI Controls and Cosylab developed a modern pure Java Channel Access library called CA. The library overcomes several shortcomings of the current Java libraries based on out-dated JCA interfaces. It makes fully use of the Java type system, and easily supports synchronous and asynchronous operations for get, put and connect...
Simon Gregor Ebner
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
18/10/2015, 14:30
For many user as well as beamline and machine scientists Matlab is the tool of choice for data analysis and modelling. To facilitate the interaction of their code with the Epics control system the Controls group of PSI provides and supports a new Matlab Channel Access library. The library has no other dependencies than Matlab itself and can be used on all major operating systems. The usage of...
Andrew Rhyder
(Australian Synchrotron)
18/10/2015, 15:30
With ongoing development of epicsQt, user focused EPICS graphical applications keep getting easier to develop. If you are simply dragging and dropping from the widget set provided with epicsQt, using other widget sets such as caQtDM, building your own widget plugins, or coding entire applications, epicsQt supports the creation of applications that focus on the user. The tools within the...
Andrew Starritt
(Australian Synchrotron), Mr
Juan Guzman
18/10/2015, 16:30
Michael Ritzert
(Heidelberg University)
Low-level Controls
The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) is a standardized interface to management functionalities of computer systems. The data provided typically includes the readings of monitoring sensors, such as fan speeds, temperatures, power consumption, etc. It is provided not only by servers, but also by uTCA crates that are often used to host an experiment's control and readout system....