27-28 May 2021
Australia/Melbourne timezone

Architecture and maintenance of accelerator control system

28 May 2021, 15:50


Open discussion topic Support Systems Open Discussion Session


Nikolai Lobanov (ANU) Peter Linardakis (Australian National University)Mr Daniel Tempra (ANU)Mr Stephen Battison (ANU)


Under current University re-structure, we have limited resources allocated for upgrades and regular maintenance of the HIAF control system. We will structure this talk as an open discussion session dedicated to the current status and future development of HIAF control system and potentially engaging some collaborators from the delegation to form an advisory/workforce group to address those issues.

Primary authors

Nikolai Lobanov (ANU) Peter Linardakis (Australian National University) Mr Daniel Tempra (ANU) Mr Stephen Battison (ANU)

Presentation Materials

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