Particle Physics and Accelerator Physics Strategy Meeting

Council Room (AINSE)

Council Room


Lucas Height, Sydney
Richard Garrett (ANSTO)

Particle Physics and Accelerator Physics Strategy Meeting

A meeting will be held over October 3rd and 4th at ANSTO further develop a strategic plan for particle physics and related areas in Australia.  All those interested in strengthening particle physics, accelerator physics and related fields in Australia are encouraged to attend.

This meeting has the specific purpose of providing information and sharing opinions on strategic directions for particle physics and related fields in Australia.

The aim of the meeting is to produce a statement of suggested strategic directions. This should be followed by the formation of a representative group to draft a national strategy “green paper” for national distribution and finalisation resulting in a white paper for future directions.

Working groups are being formed to help in preparing material for the meeting.

Subsequently groups will be formed to undertake specific tasks aimed at operational goals to support the strategy.  The overarching aim is a nationally unified, sustainable program for particle physics and accelerator physics in Australia and cohesion in common efforts on activities like organising workshops, conferences and schools/training.

  • Anatoly Rozenfeld
  • Andrew Peele
  • Anthony Williams
  • Bruce Yabsley
  • Csaba Balazs
  • David Cohen
  • Edward Simpson
  • Elisabetta Barberio
  • Gavin Rowell
  • Greg Lane
  • Jacinda Ginges
  • Jordan Nash
  • Kevin Varvell
  • Marie-claude Gregoire
  • Martin Sevior
  • Miles Apperley
  • Nicole Bell
  • Pat Scott
  • Paul Jackson
  • Peter Skands
  • Phillip Urquijo
  • Professor Taylor
  • Puthenparampil Wilson
  • Raymond Volkas
  • Richard Garrett
  • Rohan Dowd
  • Ulrik Egede
  • Thursday, 3 October
    • 13:00 13:15
      Introduction and Meeting Goals: G. Taylor, J. Nash
    • 13:15 15:30
      Physics Landscape
      • 13:15
        Brief overview of CoE CDMPP - what accelerator activities are supported by Centre? 15m
        Speaker: E Barberio
      • 13:30
        Brief overview of LHC, HL-LHC, and ATLAS requirements not in the new CoE 15m
        Speaker: P Jackson
      • 13:45
        LHCb, COMET 10m
        Speaker: U Egede
      • 13:55
        Future requirements for Belle II 10m
        Speaker: P Urquijo
      • 14:05
        Electron-Ion Collider - USA 10m
        Speaker: R Garrett
      • 14:15
        Future Colliders 10m
        Speaker: G Taylor
      • 14:25
        Computationally Intense Physics 20m
        Speakers: M White, R Young
      • 14:45
        Role of Theory in Australian Particle Physics 20m
        Speakers: A Kobakhidze, R Volkas
      • 15:05
        Structured discussion of activities 25m
    • 15:30 16:00
      Afternoon Tea - Cafe 30m
    • 16:00 18:45
      Linkages: Industrial
      • 16:00
        Consolidated List: Particle Astrophysics, Accelerator Physics, Nuclear Physics, Medical Physics Research, Light Source Research 45m

        How can members of each contribute to the key goals?

        Anatoly Rozenfeld “Applications of a medical accelerator for space research and innovative detectors to improve utilization of accelerators for cancer treatment”

        Rohan Dowd “The CERN Xbox and the proposed Australian Accelerator Test Facility”

      • 16:45
        Meeting Computation Resource requirements 15m

        Discussion - meeting the needs?

        Speaker: L Boland
      • 17:00
        Industrial Linkages 15m

        Determine working group(s) and their mandate(s)?

        Speaker: A Peele
      • 17:15
        Review existing Australian particle physics organisation: CoEPP, AUSHEP, AIP–NUPP, New Centre 30m
      • 17:45
        What organisation is required at National/International Level 30m

        Define working group and its mandate

      • 18:15
        CERN Associate Membership 30m

        Next Steps?
        Define working group and its mandate.
        Identify Key Milestones

        Speakers: G Taylor, J Nash
    • 19:00 21:00
      Dinner 2h

      To be Confirmed

  • Friday, 4 October
    • 08:45 10:30
      Particle Physics Road-map / Strategic Plan
      • 08:45
        Experience from roadmap for PP in the UK 30m
        Speaker: J Nash
      • 09:15
        Roadmap experience from Astronomers 15m
      • 09:30
        Identify broad groupings, define working groups and their mandates, eg. 30m

        §  High energy experiments
        §  Favour physics experiments
        §  Future collider opportunities
        §  Theoretical particle physics
        §  Accelerator R&D
        §  Computation for particle physics
        §  Astro-particle and neutrino physics
        § Accelerators for health/medical
        § Light sources

      • 10:00
        Define Goals and Parameters 30m

        Define Oversight Group, its Mandate and Convenor(s)

    • 10:30 11:00
      Morning Tea- Cafe 30m
    • 11:00 12:00
      Particle Physics Road-map / Strategic Plan
      • 11:00
        Outline / Sketch of Road-map 15m
      • 11:15
        Define broad timetable for milestones and completion of complete roadmap 10m
      • 11:25
        Commence Evaluation of Various Options for Particle Physics for Next ARC Centre Round 10m
      • 11:35
        Document current understanding of characteristics of Successful Centre Proposals 15m
      • 11:50
        Document ideas for other sources of major program funding 10m
    • 12:00 13:00
      Closing: Closing Remarks
      • 12:00
        Closing Remarks 15m
        Speakers: G Taylor, J Nash, R Garrett
      • 12:15
        Departure 45m
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